Visualization of Methanol-Gasoline Mixed Fuel Combustion in an Internal Combustion Engine at the Intermediate Scale
以拓阳 FS-S100AT 四冲程活塞式微型汽油发动机为基础,构建了一个中介尺度微型内燃机燃烧可视化测试平台,用以研究在 10 000 r/min转速下,不同甲醇-汽油质量分数配比燃料(M100、M75、M50、M25、M0,其中数字为甲醇汽油混合气中甲醇的质量分数)和混合气过量空气系数(λ=1.2、1.0、0.8)对缸内火焰形态和传播速度的影响.研究结果表明:所有测试燃料在燃烧初期均呈现淡蓝色火焰.随着燃烧的进行,高甲醇含量燃料(M100、M75、M50)在活塞边缘显示出淡黄色火焰或高温黄色颗粒,而低甲醇含量燃料(M25、M0)由于汽油燃烧速度的限制,火焰传播较慢,缸内温度较低,火焰主要保持淡蓝色,仅偶尔出现淡黄色火焰或颗粒.随着甲醇掺混比的降低,火焰传播速度总体呈下降趋势;然而,在一定范围内,过量空气系数的降低会提升火焰传播速度.在λ=1.0 下,燃烧火焰中的黄焰面积达到最大;M100 燃料的黄焰面积增长最为迅速,随着甲醇比例的降低,黄焰面积的增长速度减缓.黄焰面积的增加既与润滑油燃烧不完全氧化有关,也与内燃机进排气门的特殊结构有关.
Based on the Tuoyang FS-S100AT four-stroke piston micro gasoline engine,an intermediate scale visual combustion test platform for micro internal combustion engines was established to investigate the effects of various methanol-gasoline mass fractions(M100,M75,M50,M25,M0)and excess air coefficients(λ=1.2,1.0,0.8)at a test speed of 10 000 r/min on the flame front.It was indicated that all the evaluated fuel samples exhibited a light blue flame during the preliminary phase of combustion.As the depth of combustion intensified,fuels with elevated methanol contents(M100,M75,M50)exhibited a faint yellow flame or intense yellow particulate emissions at the piston's periphery.Conversely,fuels with reduced methanol contents(M25,M0)experienced delayed flame propagation due to the constraints of gasoline's combustion velocity,resulting in cooler cylinder temperatures.Consequently,the flame predominantly maintained a light blue hue,with an occasional appearance of a yellowish flame or particulate matter.Generally,as the methanol blending ratio diminished,the rate of flame propagation correspondingly decreased.Nevertheless,within a specific range,an augmentation in the concentration of the mixture led to an elevated flame propagation velocity.When λ was 1.0,the yellow flame region within the combustion flame attained its peak.M100 fuel,in particular,experienced the most rapid escalation in yellow flame area,yet the rate of expansion tapered off as the methanol blending ratio diminishes.The augmentation of the yellow flame area is correlated with the inadequate oxidation of the lubricating oil,as well as the distinctive structures of the intake and exhaust valves within the internal combustion engine.
山西警察学院 交通管理系,太原 030401长安大学 能源与电气工程学院,西安 710064长安大学 能源与电气工程学院,西安 710064长安大学 能源与电气工程学院,西安 710064||陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室,西安 710064陕西省计量科学研究院,西安 710043
micro internal combustion engineintermediary scalevisualizationmethanol-gasoline
《内燃机工程》 2025 (1)
道路交通安全公安部重点实验室开放课题项目(2023ZDSYSKFKT12)Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Public Security(2023ZDSYSKFKT12)