Experimental Study on the Ignition of High-Pressure Direct Injection Methane Ignited by Turbulent Jet Ignition
基于安装有主动式预燃室及甲烷高压喷射器的定容燃烧弹开展预燃室湍流射流火焰引燃二次喷射甲烷射流的试验,研究了不同喷射点火延迟、不同喷油压力与不同第一次喷油脉宽对点火及火焰传播的影响.结果表明:其他条件不变时,当点火延迟时间 ti为-30 ms时,会出现无法点燃主燃室气体的失火现象;当点火延迟时间 ti增加到-10 ms时,会出现热射流先淬息随后再次着火的不稳定点火现象.将喷射点火延迟时间 ti从 0 ms增加到 100 ms会使燃烧压力峰值从 1.56 MPa增加到 2.26 MPa,并使压力峰值的时刻从点火后 130 ms提前到点火后 50 ms,同时提高热射流及主燃室火焰传播速度,火焰传播速度从 10 m/s提高到30 m/s.此外,改变高压甲烷喷射压力,由 5 MPa提高到 10 MPa,燃烧压力峰值从 0.96 MPa升高到 2.26 MPa,压力峰值出现时刻从点火后 100 ms提前到点火后 50 ms.主燃室火焰传播速度由 5 m/s提高至 30 m/s.当改变高压甲烷第一次喷射脉宽时,也会对燃烧压力峰值及压力峰值出现时刻造成影响.将第一次喷射脉宽由 40 ms 提高为 80 ms 会使燃烧压力峰值从1.87 MPa升高到 2.26 MPa,并使压力峰值的出现时刻提前,但对热射流速度及主燃室内的火焰传播速度没有明显影响.
The ignition and combustion phenomenon of active pre-chamber ignited dual-methane injection jets were investigated in a constant volume combustion chamber with an active pre-chamber and high-pressure injector.The effects of injection ignition delay,the injection pressure of methane and the pulse width of the first methane injection were studied.The results show that,with other conditions remaining unchanged,misfire occurs when the ignition delay(ti)is-30 ms.When ti is increased to-10 ms,an unstable ignition phenomenon occurs,where the flame extinguishes and reignites again.Increasing ti from 0 ms to 100 ms raises the peak combustion pressure from 1.56 MPa to 2.26 MPa and the peak pressure timing advances from 130 ms after ignition to 50 ms.Meanwhile,both the speed of thermal jet and flame increase.For instance,the flame propagation speed increases from 10 m/s to 30 m/s.Furthermore,as the injection pressure increases from 5 MPa to 10 MPa,the peak pressure changes from 0.96 MPa to 2.26 MPa,and peak pressure timing advances from 100 ms to 50 ms.The flame speed in the main combustion chamber increases from 5 m/s to 30 m/s.Additionally,changing the pulse width of the first injection affects both the peak pressure and peak pressure timing as well.Increasing the first injection pulse width from 40 ms to 80 ms raises the peak pressure from 1.87 MPa to 2.26 MPa,and the peak pressure timing advances.However,it has little effect on the thermal jet speed and the flame speed.
天津大学 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室,天津 300072天津大学 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室,天津 300072天津大学 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室,天津 300072天津大学 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室,天津 300072天津大学 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室,天津 300072天津内燃机研究所,天津 300192
turbulent jet ignitionhigh-pressure direct injectionturbulent flamemethane
《内燃机工程》 2025 (1)
国家自然科学基金重点项目(T2341001)广西省重点研发项目(GuiKe AB22080084)National Natural Science Foundation of China(T2341001)Key R&D Program of Guanxi Province(GuiKe AB22080084)