Effects of biochar on cotton seedling root morphology and root exudates under moderate and severe saline stress
To reveal the regulatory effect of biochar on cotton seedling root growth and root exudates under moderate to severe salt stress,pot experiments were conducted by adding concentrations of 0(control),0.5%,1%,and 2%biochar and phosphoric acid-modified biochar to moderate and severe saline alkali soils,respectively,and the total root length,root surface area,root volume,and amounts of root exudates such as methane acid,acetic acid,and oxalic acid were measured during the seedling-stage of cotton.The results indicated that the increase in soil salinity significantly inhibited the total root length,root surface area,and root volume of cotton roots of the seedling stage.Under moderate and severe salt stress conditions,compared with the control,the total root length of cotton treated with 2%biochar and phosphoric acid-modified biochar significantly increased by 55.92%and 43.69%,respectively,and the root volume significantly increased by 41.73%and 55.88%,while the total root length of cotton treated with 0.5%biochar decreased by 25.31%.The use of unmodified biochar mainly increased the root methane acid content in cotton roots at seedling stage,while phosphoric acid-modified biochar significantly increased the content of oxalic acid,methane acid and citric acid in roots.Soluble total sugars showed a significant positive correlation with soil pH and soil total salt content.The content of methane acid in the cotton root was significantly negatively correlated with soil pH.The contents of oxalic acid,methane acid,and citric acid were significantly positively correlated with cotton root growth indicators(P<0.05).It can be concluded from the results that the recommended application of 2%phosphoric acid-modified biochar in moderately or severely saline soil is better than unmodified biochar in improving cotton root growth and salt tolerance physiological characteristics.
新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学化学化工学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052北京农学院生物与资源环境学院,北京 102206新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052||新疆土壤与植物生态过程重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学资源与环境学院,乌鲁木齐 830052||新疆土壤与植物生态过程重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052||农业农村部盐碱地改良与利用(干旱半干旱区盐碱地)重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830091新疆农业科学院土壤肥料与农业节水研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091||农业农村部盐碱地改良与利用(干旱半干旱区盐碱地)重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830091
biocharsalt stresstotal root lengthoxalic acidsoluble sugar
《农业环境科学学报》 2025 (1)
国家重点研发专项子课题(2021YFD1900802-4)新疆农业大学研究生科研创新项目(XJAUGRI2023029) National Key Research and Development Sub-Projects(2021YFD1900802-4)Xinjiang Agricultural University Graduate Scientific Research Innovation Project(XJAUGRI2023029)