

Classification Methods for Soft-yolk and Hard-yolk Preserved Eggs Based on Multimodal Information Fusion


溏心皮蛋与沙心皮蛋有着各自的口感和味道,均有各自受众,目前只能根据腌制时间来判断是溏心皮蛋还是沙心皮蛋,而这种方法不仅需要丰富的经验且误判比例较高.为了解决这一问题,本文设计了皮蛋红外图像和可见/近红外光谱采集装置,以及配套的溏心皮蛋和沙心皮蛋的分类模型.根据采集到的红外图像数据,在ResNetl8网络添加MLCA(Mixed local channel attention)模块,得到的改进模型ResNet_MLCA实现了溏心皮蛋和沙心皮蛋的分类,准确率为95.0%.根据采集到的可见/近红外光谱数据,基于一维卷积设计了一维残差模块用于可见/近红外光谱数据的特征提取和分类,其对溏心皮蛋和沙心皮蛋分类准确率也达到95.0%.为了进一步提高模型检测准确率,将ResNet_MLCA模型所提取的红外图像特征和1 D_ResNet所提取的可见/近红外光谱特征进行融合,得到的融合模型ResNet_OP对溏心皮蛋和沙心皮蛋分类准确率达到98.3%.研究成果提供了一种更低计算成本、更高准确率的溏心皮蛋和沙心皮蛋分类模型,对于指导皮蛋生产和提升皮蛋品质具有重要意义.

The soft-yolk preserved eggs(SYP eggs)and hard-yolk preserved eggs(HYP eggs)each possess distinct textures and flavors,captivating their respective discerning consumers.Presently,artisans can only discern whether an egg is a soft-yolk or hard-yolk preserved egg based on the duration of the brining process,a method that not only demands their extensive expertise but also entails a high rate of misjudgment.To address this issue,the design of infrared imaging and visible/near-infrared spectroscopy acquisition devices was introduced,alongside a classification model for SYP eggs and HYP eggs.Utilizing gathered infrared image data,an enhanced model,ResNet_MLCA,was crafted by incorporating a mixed local channel attention(MLCA)module into the ResNet18 framework,achieving a noteworthy classification accuracy of 95.0%in distinguishing SYP eggs from HYP eggs.Furthermore,leveraging visible/near-infrared spectroscopy data,a one-dimensional residual module was designed,and through its stacking,the 1D_ResNet model for feature extraction and classification of visible/near-infrared spectroscopy data was developed,yielding an identical accuracy of 95.0%in discriminating SYP eggs from HYP eggs.In a bid to further augment detection accuracy,the infrared image features extracted by the ResNet_MLCA model and the visible/near-infrared spectroscopy features extracted by the 1D_ResNet were amalgamated.The resultant fusion model,ResNet_OP,achieved an outstanding classification accuracy of 98.3%in distinguishing SYP eggs from HYP eggs.In summary,this research can offer a novel,cost-effective,and high-precision classification model for SYP eggs and HYP eggs,which held significant implications for guiding preserved egg production and enhancing its quality.Additionally,the proposed method offered a theoretical reference for enhancing the performance of classification models for other agricultural products,aiming to further increase their accuracy and reduce the number of parameters in the fusion model.


华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070||农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070||国家蛋品加工技术研发分中心,武汉 430070



preserved eggmultimodal information fusionResNetinfrared imagingvisible/near-infrared spectroscopysoft-yolk and hard-yolk

《农业机械学报》 2025 (1)



