

Research on the Degradation Faults of Fiber Optical Current Transformer Light Source in DC Converter Stations


全光纤电流互感器(fiber optical current transformer,FOCT)目前在直流换流站中实现了广泛应用,但是随着运行时间的增加,普遍存在全光纤电流互感器中超辐射发光二极管(super luminescent diode,SLD)光源器件的输出光功率下降的问题,降低了FOCT的运行可靠性.针对SLD光源退化问题,进行了原理上的分析并对光功率衰减严重的光源进行拆解测试,得到SLD的管芯光功率统计数据,最终得出结论:管芯区退化是引起光源输出光功率衰减的主要原因,是普遍存在的现象,在实际生产活动中需要对SLD光功率进行定时检测,避免引起不必要的损失.

Fiber optical current transformers(FOCTs)have been widely used in the DC converter stations.However,with the increase of operating time,there is a common problem of decreased output optical power of super luminescent diode(SLD)light source devices in the FOCT,which reduces the operational reliability of FOCT.This article provides a theoretical analysis of the degradation problem of SLD light sources.We have also conducted dismantling tests on light sources with severe optical power attenuation,and obtained statistical data on the optical power of SLD chips.The final conclusion is that the degradation of the chip area is the main cause of the attenuation of the output light power of the light source,which is a common phenomenon.In actual production activities,it is necessary to perform regular detection of the SLD optical power to avoid unnecessary causes.


中国电力科学研究院有限公司电力传感研究所,北京市 昌平区 102209中国电力科学研究院有限公司电力传感研究所,北京市 昌平区 102209中国电力科学研究院有限公司电力传感研究所,北京市 昌平区 102209国网北京市电力公司,北京市 西城区 100031华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院,湖北省 武汉市 430074华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院,湖北省 武汉市 430074



fiber optical current transformer(FOCT)super luminescent diode(SLD)light sourceDC converter stationspower system

《全球能源互联网》 2025 (1)


国家电网有限公司科技项目(5108-202218280A-2-407-XG).Science and Technology Foundation of SGCC(5108-202218280A-2-407-XG).

