Multi-machine Parallel Operation Strategy of Photovoltaic Energy Storage Power Generation System Based on VSG in Islanding Mode
随着光伏发电装机容量的大幅增加,电力系统呈现"低惯性、低阻尼"特性,虚拟同步发电机(virtual synchronous generators,VSG)技术可以提高系统稳定性和供电可靠性.针对孤岛模式下光储-VSG并联系统由于线路阻抗差异和负载投切等原因导致的系统环流及功率分配不均问题,提出一种协同自适应控制策略.首先,通过系统无功功率偏差动态调整虚拟阻抗值,实现无功功率的精确分配,从而抑制系统稳态环流.其次,为提升系统动态特性和抑制负载投切过程中系统的振荡,建立双输入三输出径向基函数(radial basis function,RBF)神经网络对系统关键参数进行优化.最后,建立3台光储-VSG并联模型,设定不同容量比进行仿真分析,验证了所提控制策略能更好地抑制系统环流,保证系统稳定运行.
With the large increase of installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation,the power system presents the characteristics of"low inertia and low damping",and the proposed virtual synchronous generator(VSG)technology can enhance system stability and power supply reliability.A collaborative adaptive control strategy is proposed to address the uneven system circulation and power distribution issues caused by impedance differences and load switching in the photovoltaic energy storage-VSG parallel system in isolated island mode.Firstly,the virtual impedance value is dynamically adjusted by the system reactive power deviation to achieve accurate allocation of reactive power and thus suppress the steady-state circulation of the system.Secondly,in order to enhance the system dynamic characteristics and suppress the oscillation of the system during load switching,a two-input and three-output radial basis function(RBF)neural network was established to optimize the key parameters of the system.Finally,three optical storages-VSG parallel models were established,and different capacity ratios were set for simulation analysis to verify that the proposed control strategy can better suppress the system circulation and ensure the stable operation of the system.
兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院,甘肃省 兰州市 730050兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院,甘肃省 兰州市 730050
photovoltaic energy storage power generation systemvirtual synchronous generators(VSG)dynamic virtual impedanceradial basis function(RBF)neural networkcirculation suppression
《全球能源互联网》 2025 (1)
国家自然科学基金(西部地区高比例风电场景下的电力系统暂态电压稳定性分析及概率评估,51867085).National Natural Science Foundation of China(51867085).