Detection of Arctic cold air outbreaks and their impacts on the surface heat exchange over Nordic Seas
北极冷空气爆发(Cold Air Outbreaks,CAO)是指北极冷气团间歇性地南下、穿越较低纬度暖洋面的寒潮现象,这期间常伴随着强烈的海气热交换.北欧海是北极最大的全年不冻海,是北极气候变化的关键海区.冬季,北极的北欧海区常呈现出冰面、边缘海冰区和开放洋面共存的复杂下垫面分布.如何准确识别出影响这一北极关键区域的冷空气爆发事件,并分析其对北极区域海气热交换的影响,对理解北极的气候变化、提升对北极极端天气气候的预测能力都有显著的科学意义.已有的对北极CAO事件的识别常针对北欧海的开放洋面,以低层位温差作为指标.本文则针对冬季北欧复杂的下垫面情况,探讨了用中高纬度寒潮研究中的局地温度标准差方法识别北极CAO事件,并与已有的位温差方法进行系统对比,比较两种方法识别出的不同强度的北极CAO事件的时空分布特征,对应的大气环流演变特征及其对北欧海海气热通量的影响.两种识别方法均显示,冬季北欧海CAO的发生频率约为30%,绝大部分CAO的生命周期在3 d以内,强度越强的CAO事件维持时间越长.CAO产生的向上湍流热通量约占整个冬季北欧海区域海表海气热交换的60%,其中,中等强度的CAO对海气热通量的贡献较大.CAO发生期间对向南水汽通量的输送在北欧海相关区域约占整个冬季的50%-60%.引起拉布拉多海—格陵兰岛和冰岛海—挪威海—巴伦支喀拉海两个区域CAO的环流场异常不同,前者主要受区域低压横槽转竖的影响,后者则与偶极型的大气环流异常有关.
Cold Air Outbreaks(CAO)in the Arctic refer to the intermittent incursions of polar cold air masses southward across warmer ocean surfaces in lower latitudes and are often accompanied by intense air-sea heat exchange.The Nordic Seas are the largest year-round ice-free seas in the Arctic and play a crucial role in Arctic climate change.During winter,the Nordic Seas exhibit a complex sea-ice distribution comprising ice-covered,marginal ice zones,and open ocean surfaces.Accurate identification of CAO events impacting this critical Arctic zone and their implications on regional air-sea heat fluxes are crucial for enhancing our comprehension of Arctic climate change and capabilities of extreme weather forecast.Existing studies on Arctic CAO mainly focus on open ocean areas in the Nordic Seas,using lower-level potential temperature differences as indicators.Given the complex surface conditions of the wintertime Nordic Seas,this study explores the method of using a locally defined temperature standard deviation,a method commonly used in mid-to-high latitude cold wave research,to identify CAO events.A systematic comparison is conducted between this method and the conventional potential temperature difference method,by examining the spatiotemporal characteristics,atmospheric circulation evolutions and impacts on air-sea heat fluxes associated with CAO events of various intensities identified by both methods.Results from both identification methods show that,over the Nordic Seas,CAO events occur in approximately 30%days of the winter period,with the vast majority having life spans of less than three days and stronger events tending to persist longer.CAO events contribute to approximately 60%of the total wintertime air-sea heat fluxes in the region,with moderate-intensity CAO events exhibiting a large impact on these fluxes.Meanwhile,CAO events account for roughly 50%to 60%of the southward water vapor transport during winter in the concerned sectors of the Nordic Seas.The atmospheric circulations associated with the CAO events in the Labrador Sea-Greenland and Iceland Sea-Norwegian Sea-Barents Sea regions are notably different.The former is primarily influenced by the transformation of a transversal trough turning into a more meridional pattern,whereas the latter is associated with a dipole-like atmospheric circulation anomaly.
南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境国家重点实验室,广州 510301南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023
CAONordic Seasair-sea heat fluxatmospheric circulation anomalies
《气象科学》 2024 (6)