Analysis of seasonal variation characteristics of gale weather in Guangdong Province from 1961 to 2022
利用1961-2022年广东省86个气象站风速资料,采用集中度、集中期等气象统计学方法,分析了广东大风天气的季节变化特征及年际变化规律.结果表明,广东大风天气的频发区位于南部沿海和中部山区.广东大风日数在1971-2000年整体呈下降趋势,2000年后出现转折性增长.大风季节变化的区域特征明显:表现为粤北西北和东北地区的大风集中度最高,而粤西、粤中和粤东南部和粤北西南地区的大风集中度较小;粤西南部、粤中中部、粤北西南和中部地区的大风天气主要集中在夏季,其余地区多集中在春末.另外,大风年内季节变化特征存在年际和年代际尺度演变,表现为:近62 a广东大风频发区的大风天气年内集中程度显著增大,集中时期的年际变幅逐渐减小,但趋势变化不显著.分析发现,广东地区的强对流天气、冷空气过程、热带气旋等天气过程,以及西太平洋副热带高压、极涡等大气环流是影响大风日数及其集中度时空分布的重要因素.
Based on the wind speed data from 86 meteorological stations in Guangdong Province from 1961 to 2022,the seasonal variation characteristics and interannual variation of gales in Guangdong were analyzed by using meteorological statistical methods such as concentration degree and concentration period.Results show that gales in Guangdong predominantly occur along the southern coastline and in the central and northern regions of the province.A decreasing trend in gale days was observed in Guangdong from 1971 to 2000,followed by an increasing trend after 2000.Regional patterns were observed in the seasonal variation of gales:gales in the western and central-eastern mountainous regions of Guangdong peak around mid-May,whereas those in the southern coastal areas predominantly occur towards late June.Additionally,interannual evolutions in the seasonal variation of gales have been observed:over the past 62 years,a significant increase in the Gale Concentration Degree(GCD)was noted in areas of Guangdong frequently experiencing gales,and a gradual decrease was observed in the interannual variability of the Gale Concentration Period(GCP).The analysis indicates that in Guangdong,strong convective weather,cold air processes,and tropical cyclones,along with atmospheric circulations like the western Pacific sub-high and the polar vortex,significantly influence the spatial and temporal distribution of gales and the GCD.
南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023广东电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,广州 510080
Guangdong Provincegale weatherseasonal variation
《气象科学》 2024 (6)