The Influence Factors and Development Ideas of New Quality Productive Forces in Agriculture:A Measurement Comparison Based on the DEA-Tobit Model in 18 Cities of Henan Province
Total factor productivity is the core symbol of new quality productivity.Therefore,this pa-per selects the panel data of 18 cities(Districts)in Henan Province from 2016 to 2021,uses the Dea-Malmquist index model to study the change characteristics of agricultural new quality productivity from the perspective of sub-year and sub-region,and finally uses the Tobit model to conduct an empiri-cal analysis of the influencing factors.The results showed that the agricultural new quality productivity in Henan Province was on the rise from 2016 to 2021,and there was a certain gap in 18 cities(Dis-tricts).From the decomposition index,the technical progress level of 18 cities(Districts)shows an in-creasing trend,while the technical efficiency of some cities(Districts)shows a decreasing trend due to the problem of scale efficiency economy.Agricultural economic level and educational level have signifi-cant positive effects on the growth of agricultural total factor productivity in Henan Province,while natural disasters,farmers'living standards,industrial structure and energy utilization negatively inhibit the improvement of agricultural new quality productivity in Henan Province.
上海海洋大学 经济管理学院,上海 201306上海海洋大学 经济管理学院,上海 201306上海社会科学院,上海 200030
new quality productivityDEA-Tobit modelagricultural total factor productivityHenan Province
《上海管理科学》 2025 (1)