Digital Economy,Entrepreneurship and the Urban-Rural Resident Income Gap:Evidence from Urban China
This paper empirically analyses the impact of the digital economy on the urban-rural resi-dent income gap and its functioning mechanism using panel data of 282 prefecture-level cities in China from 2011 to 2021.It is found that the impact of the digital economy on the urban-rural resi-dent income gap shows a significant inverted U-shaped relationship,and there is a double thresh-old effect of digital infrastructure and urbanisation level.In the heterogeneity analysis,through the analysis of regional differences and differences in the degree of development of the digital economy,it is found that the impact of the digital economy on the urban-rural resident income gap is greater in regions with low levels of economic development.The mechanism analysis shows that the digital economy affects the urban-rural resident income gap through entrepreneurship.The above analyses provide relevant policy recommendations for narrowing the urban-rural resident in-come gap.
浙江工业大学 经济学院,杭州 310023浙江工业大学 经济学院,杭州 310023浙江工业大学 经济学院,杭州 310023
digital economyurban-rural resident income gapentrepreneurshipthreshold effect
《上海管理科学》 2025 (1)