

When"pan"Meets the Humanistic Spirit——on the Artistic Difference Between Chinese Prehistoric Painted Pottery and Ancient Greek Painted Pottery


中国与古希腊,作为东西方文明的重要发源地,其彩陶艺术在世界艺术史上占据着独特的地位.然而对比中国史前彩陶与古希腊彩陶,其艺术风格呈现出各自不同的特点.笔者对中国史前彩陶与古希腊彩陶艺术风格产生的因素进行深入分析,着重从文化思想的角度探讨中国史前彩陶与古希腊彩陶艺术形式产生差异的根源.并总结出"灵"与人的装饰内涵、情与理的艺术追求、经验技术与逻辑技术的造物方式 3 个论点来分别进行论述.希望通过笔者对中希彩陶差异性的浅略分析,能够使人们正确认识到我们中华文化独特的基因,并在此基础上挖掘本土造物理论与设计思想.

China and ancient Greece,as an important birthplace of eastern and Western civilization,their painted pottery art occupies a unique position in the world art history.However,compared with Chinese prehistoric painted pottery and ancient Greek painted pottery,its artistic style presents their own different characteristics.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the factors of Chinese prehistoric pottery and ancient Greek painted pottery art style,and focuses on the root of the difference between Chinese prehistoric pottery and ancient Greek painted pottery from the perspective of cultural thought.And summed up the"spirit"and human encounter,the pursuit of emotion and reason,the collision of technology and sci-ence of the three arguments to discuss respectively.It is hoped that through the brief analysis of the difference of Chinese colored pottery in this paper,we can correctly realize the unique genes of our Chinese culture,and explore the local creation theory and design thought on this basis.


广西师范大学 广西 桂林 541001


Painted pottery artAesthetic conceptSpiritualHumanistic spirit

《陶瓷》 2025 (1)

