

Polymeric materials with bicontinuous nanochannels via polymerizable gyroid liquid crystals



Gyroid liquid crystals possess unique three-dimensionally interconnected network structures,enabling the construction of polymer materials with precise molecular sieving and highly efficient transport properties.This review summarizes recent advances in the field of polymerizable gyroid liquid crystals,focusing on key techniques and strategies including the design and synthesis of amphiphiles,the solidification of liquid crystal structures,and the control of nanochannel dimensions.While the cubic spatial characteristics and negative Gaussian curvature geometry of gyroid liquid crystals endow the resulting polymers with unique advantages,they also present challenges in synthesis and structural preservation.Current research endeavors to overcome these hurdles by developing novel monomers and optimizing structure retention mechanisms,such as utilizing intermolecular interactions to stabilize the gyroid phase,simplifying synthetic routes,and reducing costs.Moreover,precise control over nanochannel size and morphology,along with the integration of polymerizable gyroid liquid crystals with other functional materials,can further broaden their application scope.It is anticipated that polymer materials based on polymerizable gyroid liquid crystals will play an increasingly important role in diverse fields,including water treatment,ion transport,drug delivery and catalysis.


东华大学 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室,上海 201620


gyroid liquid crystalspolymerizable liquid crystalsbicontinuous nanochannels

《液晶与显示》 2025 (2)


中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.2232023A-11)国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.22075041)Supported by Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities(No.2232023A-11)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.22075041)

