

Experimental study on static load and fatigue life of domestic ultra-high pressure rupture discs


超高压爆破片长期运行可靠性和更换周期是许多企业面临的关键问题.针对自主研发的国产化超高压爆破片,开展静载和疲劳寿命试验研究.结果表明:随着操作比的增加,爆破片的静载寿命和疲劳寿命均有所减小.当操作比为0.98时,静载保压时间缩短至65 min,疲劳循环次数仅为62次.通过断口的微观形貌分析发现,在高操作比下,静载试验中爆破片的断口显示出韧性断裂特征,而在疲劳试验中,则观察到大量疲劳裂纹的形成.结合寿命折损因素,对试验数据进行拟合,提出了适用于工程应用的静载及疲劳寿命预测曲线.在较高操作比(0.86以上)条件下,操作比的变化对寿命影响较小;而在较低操作比下,即使是微小波动也会显著影响寿命.提出的超高压爆破片动态寿命评估方法,可为爆破片的更换周期和寿命分析提供参考.

The long-term operation reliability and replacement intervals of ultra-high ressure rupture discs are critical issues that are faced by many companies.Static and fatigue life tests are conducted on domestically developed ultra-high pressure rupture discs.The results show that both static and fatigue life of rupture discs decrease as the operating ratio increases.At an operating ratio of 0.98,the static life time is reduced to 65 minutes,and the number of fatigue cycles is limited to 62.Through microscopic analysis of the fracture surfaces,ductile fracture characteristics are revealed in static tests at high operating ratios,while extensive fatigue cracks are observed in fatigue tests.Considering factors that contribute to life reduction,the test data are fitted,and predictive curves for static and fatigue life suitable for engineering applications are proposed.It is discovered that changes in the operating ratio(above 0.86)have a minor impact on life;however,even slight fluctuations at lower operating ratios significantly affect the life.The evaluation method of dynamic life of ultra-high pressure rupture discs can provide reference for the analysis of replacement cycle and life of rupture discs.


大连理工大学 化工学院,辽宁 大连 116024中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100029中国石化 上海石油化工股份有限公司,上海 200540中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100029大连理工大学 化工学院,辽宁 大连 116024||大连度达理工安全系统有限公司,辽宁 大连 116620大连理工大学 化工学院,辽宁 大连 116024大连理工大学 化工学院,辽宁 大连 116024||大连度达理工安全系统有限公司,辽宁 大连 116620大连度达理工安全系统有限公司,辽宁 大连 116620



ultra-high pressure rupture discsstatic load lifefatigue lifelife degradation

《压力容器》 2024 (11)



