

Influence on corrosion resistance of Alloy33 corrosion-resistant layer by PWHT


为了研究焊后热处理对Alloy33堆焊层耐蚀性的影响,采用自动钨极氩弧焊堆焊(TIG)实现2.25Cr-1Mo母材上Alloy33耐蚀层的堆焊,堆焊后研究了堆焊层的微观组织、力学性能,其耐蚀层微观组织为奥氏体+少量碳化物,热处理态Alloy33堆焊层碳化物较焊态多,并采用ASTM G28-2024 A法、ASTM A262-2015 C法、ASTM A262-2015 E法及GB/T 15260-2016 C法4种腐蚀方法研究了耐蚀层的腐蚀性能.结果表明:Alloy33耐蚀层焊态和热处理态条件下在弱氧化性介质中均表现出良好的耐腐蚀性,在强氧化性介质中根据实际工况选择Alloy33堆焊层经历的热处理状态,在强还原性类介质的容器中,应避免选择Alloy33材料.该研究为后续耐热合金钢堆焊Alloy33堆焊工艺和晶间腐蚀提供参考.

To investigate the effect of post-weld heat treatment(PWHT)on the corrosion resistance of the Alloy33 overlay,automatic tungsten inert gas welding(TIG)was used to weld the corrosion-resistant layer of Alloy33 onto a 2.25Cr-1Mo base material.The microstructure and mechanical properties of the weld layer were analyzed,revealing that the microstructure of the corrosion-resistant layer in the as-welded state is austenite with a small amount of carbides,while the heat-treated state contains more carbides.The corrosion performance of the corrosion-resistant layer was evaluated using four corrosion standards:ASTM G28-2024 A,ASTM A262-2015 C,ASTM A262-2015 E and GB/T 15260-2016 C.The results indicate that Alloy33 exhibits excellent corrosion resistance in weakly oxidizing media under both as-welded and heat-treated conditions.However,when used in containers with strong oxidizing media,the heat treatment state of the Alloy33 corrosion-resistant layer should be carefully selected according to specific operating conditions.For containers in strongly reducing media,Alloy33 should be avoided.This study provides strong references for improving the design of Alloy33 welding processes and mitigating intergranular corrosion on the inner walls of containers.


青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426中国科学院 兰州化学物理研究所 固体润滑国家重点实验室,兰州 730000青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426青岛兰石重型机械设备有限公司,山东 青岛 266426



2.25Cr-1Mo base metalAlloy33 corrosion-resistant layerpost-weld heat treatmentcorrosion properties

《压力容器》 2024 (11)



