Research on the Performance of Distributed Hydraulic Drive System for Articulated All-terrain Vehicles
应急救援车辆需要适应各种复杂地形,对可靠性和冗余安全性要求更高.针对重型铰接式全地形车的作业要求,设计了四变量泵-四变量马达分布式液压驱动系统.建立了分布式液压驱动系统AMESim仿真模型,得出了典型工况下发动机转速及负荷率、车速、液压传动系统进回油压力及流量的数据,研究了变量马达排量对全地形车分布式驱动系统调速性能的影响.经重型铰接式全地形车实车试验,其分布式液压驱动系统稳定可靠,车辆急加速时间为25 s,最高车速为34 km/h,基本满足设计参数要求.
Emergency rescue vehicles need to adapt to various complex terrains with higher requirements for reliability and redundant safety.In response to the operational requirements of heavy-duty articulated all-terrain vehicles,a distributed hydraulic drive system with 4 variable displacement pumps and 4 variable displacement motors has been designed.An AMESim simulation model of the distributed hydraulic drive system is established,and data on engine speed and load rate,vehicle speed,as well as the inlet and return pressure and flow rate of the distributed hydraulic drive system under typical operating conditions are obtained.The influence of the variable motor displacement on the speed regulation performance of the distributed drive system for all-terrain vehicles has been investigated.The heavy-duty articulated all-terrain vehicle has undergone real vehicle testing,and its distributed hydraulic drive system is stable and reliable.The vehicle's rapid acceleration time is 25 s,the maximum speed is 34 km/h,which basically meets the parameter design requirements.
太原科技大学 机械工程学院,山西 太原 030024||山西工程科技职业大学,山西 太原 030013太原科技大学 机械工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原科技大学 机械工程学院,山西 太原 030024太原科技大学 机械工程学院,山西 太原 030024贵州詹阳动力重工有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550006贵州詹阳动力重工有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550006
all-terrain vehicledistributed driveAMESim simulationvariable displacement pumpvariable displacement motor
《液压与气动》 2025 (2)