

Target Gene Prediction and Tissue Expression Analysis of Bovine bta-miR-155


为探究bta-miR-155在牛重要组织中的潜在功能,使用miRDB、TargetScan和miRWalk在线软件预测bta-miR-155靶基因,利用DAVID在线数据库对预测靶基因进行GO注释和KEGG通路富集分析;利用MEGA 11.0软件对牛、人、猪、狗、大鼠、家鼠、山羊和恒河猴的miR-155进行保守性分析并进行系统进化树构建;最后利用RT-qPCR技术对bta-miR-155在牛主要组织心、脾、肺、肾、睾丸、股二头肌和背最长肌中的表达进行检测.结果表明,bta-miR-155位于牛基因组1号染色体,其成熟序列在各物种间保守性较高,只有猪、家鼠和大鼠在12 nt或23 nt处不完全保守或缺失,且有24个预测靶基因;GO功能分析发现,bta-miR-155靶基因富集程度高的条目主要有RNA聚合酶Ⅱ启动子对pri-miRNA转录的正向调控、NF-kappaB转录因子活性的正调控、白细胞介素-1β产生的正调控、平滑肌细胞增殖的正向调节和成肌细胞分化的负调控等;KEGG通路显著富集于脂质和动脉粥样硬化、白细胞分化抗原36、固醇调节元件结合蛋白1、NOD样受体、白细胞介素18和脂肪细胞因子等信号通路.bta-miR-155的组织表达分析结果表明,bta-miR-155在成年牛股二头肌中的表达量最高,在心肌中的表达量最低;成年牛背最长肌中bta-miR-155的表达量显著高于犊牛(P<0.05).综上,bta-miR-155在牛肌肉组织中的高表达提示其可能在肌肉生长发育过程中发挥重要作用,为后续开展bta-miR-155在牛肌肉发育、肌纤维类型转化中的分子功能探究奠定了基础.

To explore the potential function of bta-miR-155 in important tissue of bovine,miRDB,TargetScan and miRWalk online software were used to predict the bta-miR-155 target gene,and the DAVID online database was used to perform GO annotation and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of the predicted target genes.MEGA 11.0 software was used to analyse conservation for miR-155 from cattle,humans,pigs,dogs,rats,house mice,goats and rhesus ma-caques,and to construct phylogenetic trees.Finally,RT-qPCR was used to detect the expression of bta-miR-155 in the heart,spleen,lung,kidney,testis,biceps femoris and longissimus dorsi muscle of cattle.The results showed that bta-miR-155 was located on chromosome 1 of the bovine genome,and its mature sequence was highly conserved among species,only pigs,mice,and rats were not completely conserved or missing at 12 nt or 23 nt,and there were 24 pre-dicted target genes.GO functional analysis showed that the items with high enrichment of bta-miR-155 target genes mainly included the positive regulation of pri-miRNA transcription by RNA polymerase Ⅱ promoter,the positive regu-lation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity,the positive regulation of interleukin-1 β production,the positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation,and the negative regulation of myoblast differentiation.The KEGG path-way was significantly enriched in lipid and atherosclerotic pathway,leukocyte differentiation antigen 36,sterol regula-tory element binding protein 1,NOD-like receptor signaling pathway,interleukin-18 and adipocytokine signaling path-way.The results of tissue expression analysis of bta-miR-155 showed that the expression level of bta-miR-155 was the highest in adult bovine biceps femoris muscle and the lowest expression level in myocardium.The expression level of bta-miR-155 in the longissimus dorsi muscle of adult cattle was significantly higher than that in calves(P<0.05).In summary,the high expression of bta-miR-155 in bovine muscle tissue suggests that it may play an important role in muscle growth and development,which lays a foundation for the subsequent exploration of the molecular function of bta-miR-155 in bovine muscle development and myofiber type transformation.


宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021||宁夏伊康元生物科技有限公司,吴忠 751199宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021宁夏大学动物科技学院,银川 750021



bovinebta-miR-155target gene predictiontissue expression

《中国草食动物科学》 2025 (1)



