Research on Nutritional Composition and Flavor Substances of Maduo Yak Meat
为挖掘玛多牦牛遗传资源,加强其肉用性能的开发利用,选取6头成年玛多牦牛进行屠宰,测定牛肉的营养成分含量及挥发性风味物质,并与文献报道的成年甘南牦牛、麦洼牦牛、环湖牦牛、大通牦牛进行比较分析.结果显示,玛多牦牛肉的粗蛋白含量为20.77 g/100 g,比甘南牦牛、麦洼牦牛和环湖牦牛分别低4.37%、10.90%和11.05%;粗脂肪含量为0.40 g/100 g,比甘南牦牛、麦洼牦牛和环湖牦牛分别低60.78%、61.90%和88.06%;胆固醇含量为48.27 mg/100 g,比《中国食物成分表》中规定的牛肉胆固醇参考标准值低16.78%.钾元素含量(3 683.33 mg/kg)远远高于参考标准值(370 mg/kg);钠元素含量比参考标准值高24.29%;硒元素约为参考标准值的2倍;钙和铁元素含量未达到牛肉的标准参考值.氨基酸总量为17.52 g/100 g,比甘南牦牛、麦洼牦牛、环湖牦牛、高原牦牛分别低12.36%、28.23%、19.93%、24.35%;必需氨基酸与总氨基酸比值(EAA/TAA)为40.30%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值(EAA/NEAA)为67.50%,达到了FAO和WHO的推荐标准.不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)含量为63.28%,比标准参考值(53.4%)低31.36%;多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量约为标准参考值的5倍;n-6多不饱和脂肪酸(n-6PUFA)含量高于甘南牦牛和大通牦牛.玛多牦牛肉中共检测到40种挥发性化合物,包括9种酯、7种醇、6种醛、5种烃、5种酮和8种其他挥发性化合物;玛多牦牛肉风味物质主体为酯类、酮类、醛类和醇类,其中酯类物质相对含量最高,占挥发性物质总量的47.01%.综上,玛多牦牛肉的常规营养物质、氨基酸、脂肪酸的组成及含量符合当下健康饮食的导向,今后在玛多牦牛品种选育过程中需要更多地关注氨基酸与蛋白质含量较低的问题.
To explore the genetic resources of Maduo yak and enhance the development and utilization of their meat performance,six adult Maduo yaks were selected for slaughter.The nutritional content and volatile flavor compounds of the beef were measured and compared with the reported adult Gannan yak,Maiwa yak,Huanhu yak,and Datong yak in the literature.The results showed that the crude protein content of Maduo yak meat was 20.77 g/100 g,which was 4.37%,10.90%,and 11.05%lower than that of Gannan yak,Maiwa yak,and Huanhu yak,respectively;the crude fat con-tent was 0.40 g/100 g,which was 60.78%,61.90%,and 88.06%lower than that of Gannan yak,Maiwa yak,and Huanhu yak,respectively;the cholesterol content was 48.27 mg/100 g,which was 16.78%lower than the reference standard value for beef cholesterol specified in the《Chinese Food Composition Table》.The potassium content(3 683.33 mg/kg)was much higher than the reference value(370 mg/kg);the sodium content was 24.29%higher than the reference value;the selenium content was about twice the reference standard value;the calcium and iron contents did not meet the reference value for beef.The total amino acid content was 17.52 g/100 g,which was 12.36%,28.23%,19.93%,and 24.35%lower than that of Ganan yak,Maiwa yak,Huanhu yak,and Gaoyuan yak,respectively;the EAA/TAA was 40.30%,and the EAA/NEAA was 67.50%,which met the recommended standards of FAO and WHO.Unsaturated fatty acids(UFA)content was 63.28%,which was 31.36%lower than the reference value;polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA)content was approximately five times the reference value,and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids(n-6 PUFA)content was higher than that of Ganan yak and Datong yak.A total of 40 volatile compounds were detected in Maduo yak meat,in-cluding 9 esters,7 alcohols,6 aldehydes,5 hydrocarbons,5 ketones,and 8 other volatile compounds.The main flavor components of Maduo yak meat were esters,ketones,aldehydes,and alcohols,with esters being the most abundant,ac-counting for 47.01%of the total volatile substances.To sum up,the composition and content of conventional nutrients,amino acids and fatty acids of Maduo yak meat are in line with the current healthy diet orientation.In the future,more attention should be paid to the low content of amino acids and proteins in the breeding process of Maduo yak breeds.
青海省玛多县黄河乡畜牧兽医站,玛多 813500青海稞颂科技咨询有限公司,西宁 810000中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,兰州 730050中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,兰州 730050
Maduo yak meatnutrient compositionflavor substanceamino acid
《中国草食动物科学》 2025 (1)