Establishment of Weight Prediction Model for Shaanbei White Cashmere Goat
体重是陕北白绒山羊生长发育和经济性状的关键指标.本研究拟分析陕北白绒山羊体重与不同体尺指标和年龄的相关性,从而建立体重预测数学模型,为陕北白绒山羊的选育提供便捷方法.选择健康、发育正常且达到体成熟的2~6岁陕北白绒山羊公羊12只、母羊570只,测定并统计其体高(X1)、体长(X2)、胸围(X3)、十字部高(X4)和管围(X5)5项体尺指标及年龄(X6)与体重(Y),利用Excel 2021和SPSS 27.0软件对体重和各体尺指标及年龄进行相关性分析、通径分析和逐步回归分析,建立和筛选最优的体重预测数学模型.结果表明,陕北白绒山羊成年公、母羊的体尺指标中,与体重相关系数最高的均是胸围(分别为0.817和0.857);建立的陕北白绒山羊成年公羊体重预测的最优线性回归方程为Y=0.797X3-22.568(R2=0.667,P<0.01),成年母羊体重预测的最优线性回归方程为Y=0.665X2+0.674X3+0.078X4-72.850(R2=0.849,P<0.01).综上,陕北白绒山羊成年公羊的胸围与体重密切相关,成年母羊的胸围、体长和十字部高与体重密切相关;建立的体重预测模型可应用于生产实践,通过体尺指标预测体重,为后期陕北白绒山羊的本品种选育提供了便捷方法.
Body weight is a key indicator of growth,development and economic traits in Shaanbei White cashmere goats.In this study,the correlation between body weight and different body size indexes and age of Shaanbei White cashmere goats were analyzed,and a mathematical model for body weight prediction was established,so as to provide a convenient method for the selection and breeding of Shaanbei White cashmere goats.Body height(X1),body length(X2),chest circumference(X3),cross height(X4)and tube circumference(X5)of 12 rams and 570 ewes aged 2-6 years,as well as age(X6)and body weight(Y)were determined,and correlation,path analysis and stepwise regression analy-ses were performed on the body weight,body size,and age of these goats with the use of Excel 2021 and SPSS 27.0.The optimal mathematical model for weight prediction was established and screened.The results showed that the high-est coefficient of correlation with body size indexes of adult male and female Shaanbei White cashmere goats was chest circumference in both cases(0.817 and 0.857,respectively).The optimal linear regression equation established for the prediction of body weight of adult rams in Shaanbei White cashmere goats was Y=0.797X3-22.568(R2=0.667,P<0.01),and for adult ewe was Y=0.665X2+0.674X3+0.078X4-72.850(R2=0.849,P<0.01).In summary,the chest circumference and body weight of adult rams are closely related,and chest circumference,body length and cross section height of adult ewes are closely related to body weight in Shaanbei White cashmere goats.The body weight prediction model es-tablished in this experiment can be applied in production practice to predict the body weight through the body measure-ments indexes,which can provide a convenient method for the selection and breeding of this breed of Shaanbei White cashmere goats in the later stage.
榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000靖边县畜牧服务中心,榆林 718500榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000榆林学院数学与统计学院,榆林 719000榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000||榆林学院陕西省白绒山羊工程技术研究中心,榆林 719000榆林学院生命科学学院,榆林 719000||榆林学院陕西省白绒山羊工程技术研究中心,榆林 719000
Shaanbei White cashmere goatweightprediction modelbody sizecorrelation
《中国草食动物科学》 2025 (1)