首页|期刊导航|海洋湖沼学报(英文版)|Analysis of the redox environment and genesis of surface sediment in the northeast Indian Ocean at the Ninety-East Ridge

Analysis of the redox environment and genesis of surface sediment in the northeast Indian Ocean at the Ninety-East RidgeOA

Analysis of the redox environment and genesis of surface sediment in the northeast Indian Ocean at the Ninety-East Ridge

Zhourong CAI;Qianru HUANG;Zhengxin YIN;Xin SUI;Sibo LÜ;Meng TANG;Juan PENG

School of Marine Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519082,China||Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering,Zhuhai 519082,ChinaSchool of Marine Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519082,China||Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering,Zhuhai 519082,ChinaSouth China Sea Marine Survey Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Guangzhou 510275,China||Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Survey Technology and Application,Ministry of Natural Resources,Guangzhou 510275,ChinaSchool of Marine Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519082,China||Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering,Zhuhai 519082,ChinaSchool of Marine Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519082,China||Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering,Zhuhai 519082,ChinaSouth China Sea Marine Survey Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Guangzhou 510275,China||Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Survey Technology and Application,Ministry of Natural Resources,Guangzhou 510275,ChinaSchool of Marine Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 519082,China||Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Resources and Coastal Engineering,Zhuhai 519082,China

Ninety-East Ridge(NER)surface sedimentsedimentary environmentredox-sensitive trace elements(RSEs)biomarker

Ninety-East Ridge(NER)surface sedimentsedimentary environmentredox-sensitive trace elements(RSEs)biomarker

《海洋湖沼学报(英文版)》 2025 (1)


Supported by the Science and Technology Development Foundation of South China Sea Bureau,Ministry of Natural Resources,China(No.230204),the National Program on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction(No.GASI-02-IND-CJ04),the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,China(No.2021A1515012589),and the Key Technologies Research and Development Program of Guangzhou,Guangdong Province,China(No.2023B03J1379)

