

GIS-based Suitability Evaluation of Agricultural Land in Hubei Province



In order to improve the overall utilization efficiency of agricultural land in Hubei Province,the suitability of agricultural land in Hubei Province was analyzed and evaluated.16 evaluation factors in five aspects,including topography,soil,environment,climate and social economy,were selected to evaluate the suitability of three types of agricultural land(cultivated land,forest land and orchard land)in Hubei Province.The 1km raster data was used as the evaluation unit,and the index weights were determined by AHP analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method,and five suitability grades of agricultural land were divided:suitable,relatively suitable,generally suitable,less suitable and unsuitable.The results showed that the suitable areas of cultivated land,orchard land and forest land were 15.3%,11.6%and 9.0%,respectively,and the more suitable areas and suitable areas of the three types of agricultural land were basically concentrated in the Jianghan Plain and the north of Hubei Province,the area had sufficient light and heat,suitable environmental and soil conditions,suitable areas were included in the more suitable areas,and the areas with higher suitability were mainly concentrated in the east and south of Hubei Province,followed by the north and the west of Hubei Province.The above results can provide a reference for land use planning and agricultural land development in Hubei Province.


武汉工程大学土木工程与建筑学院,武汉 430074武汉工程大学土木工程与建筑学院,武汉 430074武汉工程大学土木工程与建筑学院,武汉 430074



Arc gisHubei Provinceagricultural landsuitability evaluationAHP analytic hierarchy processland use planning

《农学学报》 2025 (2)


