Histological observation of the visual organ of Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li 1966 at the early developmental stage
在长期秦岭细鳞鲑(Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li,1966)人工繁育过程发现其对光敏感且强光易致死,特别是在早期发育阶段.为解析该现象的生理原因,提高规模化人工繁育效率,本研究通过组织学方法对秦岭细鳞鲑视觉器官的发生及视网膜发育特性进行系统观察.结果表明,秦岭细鳞鲑受精后177 h(hours post fertilization,HPF),胚胎进入器官分化期,视杯已经形成;213 HPF,原始视网膜和晶体囊形成,立方上皮构成角膜;357 HPF,晶体囊已经发育为晶状体,色素细胞层染色加深;452 HPF,巩膜出现,视网膜分化为4层(色素上皮层、外核层、内核层和视神经节细胞层);受精卵经508 h破膜为初孵仔鱼,晶状体分化完全具有与成体相同的构造,视网膜也已经分化为8层,且可见色素层明显的色素颗粒,巩膜由弹力纤维和软骨组织构成,虹膜呈单层环状,脉络膜出现.5日龄(days after hatching,DAH)仔鱼出现少量的视锥细胞,视觉细胞层为纯视锥细胞结构.10 DAH,视网膜分化为完整10层结构,ON/SC为1.27>1,视觉细胞层开始出现少数的视杆细胞,内核层分化为清晰的3层,具备初始视觉成像系统;12 DAH时ON/G为1.07>1,视网膜网络汇聚程度偏低,神经节细胞能接受视细胞传递信号;16 DAH时视网膜明适应的色素指数(PI)均值为0.75,而暗适应的色素指数(PI)均值显著减少为0.55(P<0.05);21 DAH(仔鱼期),视杆细胞增多,角膜分化为完整的5层结构;41 DAH(稚鱼期),虹膜分化完成,脉络膜完善,视觉器官各个部位已经发育完全.秦岭细鳞鲑视网膜结构和视觉特性显示其具有较强的光敏感性,因此,在秦岭细鳞鲑早期培育过程中适当降低环境光照可减少应激反应,进而提高驯养成活率.本研究结果可为秦岭细鳞鲑资源增殖与养护利用提供重要参考.
Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li(1966)is sensitive to light and susceptible to death by strong light during long-term artificial breeding,especially during early developmental stages.The development of visual organs and the characteristics of retinal development were systematically observed using histological methods to analyze the physiological causes of this phenomenon and improve the efficiency of large-scale artificial breeding.The results showed that the embryo entered the organ differentiation stage,and the optic cup was formed 177 hours post-fertilization(HPF).At 213 HPF,a primitive retina and crystal sac were formed,and the cuboidal epithelium constituted the cornea.The crystal sac had developed into the lens,the cells of the neural layer of the retina had increased notably,and the staining of the pigment cell layer deepened at 357 HPF.At 452 HPF,the sclera appeared,and the retina differentiated into four layers(pigment epithelium,outer nuclear layer,inner nuclear layer,and optic ganglion cell layer).After 508 h,the fertilized egg broke the membrane and hatched larvae.The visual organs of hatchlings were relatively well-developed,and the lens is fully differentiated and has the same structure as that of the adult;the retina has been differentiated into 8 layers,and the pigment granules in the pigment layer are clearly visible;the sclera consists of elastic fibers and cartilage;the iris is in the form of a single-layer ring;and the choroid is present.At 5 days after hatching(DAH),a small number of cone cells appeared,and the visual cell layer was pure cone cell structure.At 10 DAH,the retina differentiated into a complete 10-layer structure,ON/SC was 1.27>1,a few optic rods began to appear in the visual cell layer,and the inner nuclear layer was differentiated into three clear layers with the initial visual imaging system.At 12 DAH,ON/G was 1.07>1,the retinal network was less convergent,and the number of nuclei in the outer nuclear layer was comparable to the number of ganglion cells,which was sufficient to receive signals from the visual cells.At 16 DAH,the mean value of the retinal bright-adapted pigmentation index(PI)was 0.75,whereas the mean value of the dark-adapted PI was significantly reduced to 0.55(P<0.05).At 21 DAH,the number of optic rod cells increased,and the cornea differentiated into a complete 5-layer structure;at 41 DAH,the iris differentiated,the choroid was perfected,and all parts of the visual organs were fully developed.Therefore,the retinal structure and visual characteristics of B.tsinlingensis show strong light sensitivity,and vision plays a major role in its behavior and feeding activities.Reducing environmental light appropriately during early breeding of B.tsinlingensis could reduce the stress response and improve the survival rate of seedlings.The results of this study provide a reference for the proliferation,conservation,and utilization of B.tsinlingensis resources.
贵州大学,动物科学学院渔业资源与环境保护实验室,高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室特种水产研究所,贵州贵阳 550025贵州大学,动物科学学院渔业资源与环境保护实验室,高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室特种水产研究所,贵州贵阳 550025贵州大学,动物科学学院渔业资源与环境保护实验室,高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室特种水产研究所,贵州贵阳 550025贵州大学,动物科学学院渔业资源与环境保护实验室,高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室特种水产研究所,贵州贵阳 550025中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所,湖北武汉 430023西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100宝鸡市水产工作站,陕西宝鸡 721000贵州大学,动物科学学院渔业资源与环境保护实验室,高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室特种水产研究所,贵州贵阳 550025
Brachymystax tsinlingensisvisual organretinahistologyearly development
《中国水产科学》 2024 (12)