Stock discrimination of Larimichthys crocea from Naozhou and Min-yuedong groups based on fish morphology,otolith morphology and chemistry
大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)是中国沿海重要的经济鱼类,但由于捕捞过度和遗传多样性丧失,近年来其资源面临严重威胁.为研究刻画硇洲族大黄鱼种质资源的表型特征,本研究利用湛江硇洲族和漳州闽-粤东族的海捕大黄鱼样品,综合鱼体形态、耳石形态和耳石微化学分析对两个族群进行了种群判别.主成分分析结果表明,鱼体形态前2个主成分不能完全分隔两个族群,而耳石形态能完全分隔.方差分析显示两个族群在鱼体形态和耳石形态上均呈现显著差异(P<0.05).根据形态变形图和t检验发现,相比于闽-粤东族群,硇洲族群鱼体形态整体较为细长,胸鳍基部较短(P<0.05);硇洲族群耳石整体轮廓较扁,听沟颈部较粗,背后方第一个凹陷较深(P<0.001).耳石微化学元素分析发现:硇洲族大黄鱼耳石钡钙比值和锶钙比值显著高于闽-粤东族群(P<0.0001),锰钙比值显著低于闽-粤东族族群(P<0.0001),镁钙比值无显著差异(P>0.05).两个种群从耳石核心到边缘各测量点的锶钙比值相差最大,基本没有交叉.判别分析发现鱼体形态判别正确率(85.2%)略低于耳石形态(100%)和耳石微化学判别正确率(100%).以上结果表明鱼体形态、耳石形态和微化学对硇洲族和闽-粤东族大黄鱼的种群识别均具有出色的效能.本研究将为大黄鱼硇洲族和闽-粤东族的种群判别和渔业管理提供科学支撑.
Larimichthys crocea,an economically important fish species along the coast of China,has faced severe threats to its resources in recent years due to overfishing and loss of genetic diversity.To characterize the phenotypic traits of the less-studied Naozhou group of L.crocea,a combination of fish morphology,otolith morphology,and otolith chemistry was employed to discriminate the two stocks of L.crocea,the Naozhou and Min-yuedong groups sampled in Zhanjiang and Zhangzhou,respectively.The results of the principal component analysis indicated that the two populations could not be separated by the first two principal components of fish morphology,but could be distinctly separated by otolith morphology.Analysis of variance(ANOVA)indicated significant differences in fish and otolith morphologies between the two stocks(P<0.05).The deformation diagram of fish morphology showed that Naozhou individuals were generally more elongated,with relatively shorter pectoral fin bases than Min-Yuedong individuals(P<0.05).A deformation diagram of otolith morphology revealed that the otoliths of the Naozhou stock were more compressed overall,exhibiting a thicker neck in the sulcus and a relatively deeper first posterior dorsal depression than those of the Min-Yuedong stock(P<0.001).Otolith chemical analysis revealed that the Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in the otoliths of the Naozhou stock were significantly higher than those in the Min-Yuedong stock,whereas the Mn/Ca ratio was significantly lower(P<0.0001).There were no significant differences in the Mg/Ca ratios(P>0.05).The Sr/Ca ratios exhibited the most pronounced differences between the two stocks from the core to the edge of the otolith when compared to the ratios of Ba,Mg,and Mn with Ca,with virtually no overlap at the measurement points.Discriminant analysis results indicated that the discrimination accuracy based on fish morphology(85.2%)was lower than that based on otolith morphology(100%)and chemistry(100%).The morphological differences between the two groups may be related to the differences in water flow and temperature between their habitats,with the Naozhou group inhabiting lower-flow and higher-temperature environments.Variations in otolith chemistry can be partly explained by salinity and temperature.Fish morphology,otolith morphology,and microchemical analyses demonstrated sufficient efficacy in the stock identification of the Naozhou and Min-yuedong groups of L.crocea.These findings provide a scientific basis for stock discrimination and fishery management of L.crocea.
南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000||西华师范大学环境科学与工程学院,四川南充 637002南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东湛江 524000
Larimichthys croceastock discriminationmorphologylandmarksotolith microchemistryNaozhou groupMin-yuedong group
《中国水产科学》 2024 (12)