Coccidia Species of Lama Spp.Animals and World Distribution
为了解羊驼属(Lama)动物球虫的种类及在世界各地的分布状况,本文收集整理了世界上有关报道羊驼属动物球虫的相关文献,按虫种学名的字母为序,介绍了6种从羊驼属动物检出与命名的艾美耳球虫(Eimeria),每种球虫包括中文名称与学名、宿主名称、寄生部位、地理分布,地理分布按照国家和地区的英文或拼音字母为序.在收录的15个国家中,阿根廷、玻利维亚、德国、秘鲁、英国、美国记录有5种球虫,澳大利亚、日本、新西兰记录有4种球虫,智利、中国记录有2种球虫,厄瓜多尔、意大利、俄罗斯、瑞士记录有1种球虫;有13个国家记录了马库萨尼艾美耳球虫(E.macusaniensis),10个国家记录了奥帕艾美耳球虫(E.alpacae)、羊驼艾美耳球虫(E.lamae)、普诺艾美耳球虫(E.punoensis),5个国家记录了爱维他艾美耳球虫(E.ivitaensis),2个国家记录了秘鲁艾美耳球虫(E.peruviana).介绍了6种球虫中文名称的来源,以及在南美洲考古粪便化石中发现马库萨尼艾美耳球虫、爱维他艾美耳球虫和在德国的美洲驼(Lama guanicoe glama)粪便中检出一种艾美耳球虫未定种(Eimeria sp.)的相关报道.本文基本能反映出羊驼属动物球虫在世界范围的分布状况,为全面了解羊驼属动物球虫的地理分布提供了一份较为完整的基础资料.
In order to comprehensively understand the coccidia species of Lama spp.animals and their distribution in different countries,we reviewed the literatures and collected references of Lama spp.coccidia published so far in the world.A total of 6 Lama spp.Eimeria species were introduced with the alphabetical order of their scientific names.Each specie was listed and introduced with its Chinese name,scientific name,host name,parasitic site and geographical distribution.The geographical distribution was listed with the alphabetical order according to English or Chinese name of a country or region.Among 15 countries listed,5 Eimeria species were recorded in Argentina,Bolivia,Germany,Peru,the United Kingdom and the United States,4 species in Australia,Japan and New Zealand,2 species in Chile and China and 1 species in Ecuador,Italy,Russia and Switzerland.On the other hand,E.macusaniensis was recorded in 13 countries,E.alpacae,E.lamae and E.punoensis in 10 countries,E.ivitaensis in 5 countriesand E.peruviana in 2 countries.This article also introduced the origin of Chinese name of 6 Eimeria spp.,the discovery of E.macusaniensis and E.ivitaensis in archaeological feces of South America,and the detection of an Eimeria sp.in the feces of Lama guanicoe glama from Germany,were introduced.In general,this review collected the basic distribution of Lama spp.coccidia in the world and provided abundant information for a comprehensive understanding of the species and geographical distribution of Lama spp.coccidia.
中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所农业农村部动物寄生虫学重点实验室,上海 200241
《中国动物传染病学报》 2024 (6)