Ethical examination of the research and application of artificial intelligence in the field of rehabilitation
随着人工智能技术的快速发展,人工智能的伦理治理越来越受到人们的重视.联合国教科文组织在 2021 年发布了《人工智能伦理建议书》,明确了人工智能伦理治理的若干原则.在康复医疗领域,人工智能技术的研究和应用,显著提高了患者的生存和生活质量,但是,由于康复医学服务对象多为病、伤、残、老等群体的特殊性,也带来了一系列复杂的伦理问题.从知情同意、隐私和数据安全、患者身心康复、合规监管、特定群体保护、促进公平等方面,详细分析了人工智能技术在康复医学领域研究应用实践中遇到的伦理问题与挑战,并根据《人工智能伦理建议书》等的原则,提出了应对策略,包括多方协同和跨学科的合作、完善和细化相应的法律法规、加强全社会的伦理宣教、健全问责机制、加大投入倾斜、促进公平等措施,以促进人工智能技术在康复领域的研究应用能够健康发展,造福人类.
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence(AI)technology,the ethical governance of AI has gained increasing attention.The Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence was issued by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2021,which clarified several principles for the ethical governance of AI.In the field of rehabilitation medicine,the research and application of AI technology have significantly improved patients'quality of life and survival.However,due to the specificity of the service population in rehabilitation medicine,which is mostly for the sick,injured,disabled,and elderly,a series of complex ethical issues have also arisen.This paper analyzed in detail the ethical issues and challenges encountered in the research and application of AI technology in the field of rehabilitation medicine from various aspects,such as informed consent,security of privacy and data,patients'physical and mental rehabilitation,compliance regulation,protection of specific groups,and promotion of equity.According to the principles of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and others,response strategies were proposed,including multi-party collaboration and interdisciplinary cooperation,improving and refining relevant laws and regulations,strengthening ethical education across society,establishing accountability mechanisms,increasing investment,promoting equity,and other measures,to promote the healthy development of research and application of AI technology in the field of rehabilitation,as well as benefit humanity.
中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院科研处,北京 100068||首都医科大学康复医学院,北京 100068首都医科大学公共卫生学院,北京 100069首都医科大学马克思主义学院,北京 100069山东大学护理与康复学院,山东 济南 250012中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院科研处,北京 100068||首都医科大学康复医学院,北京 100068
artificial intelligencerehabilitation medicinemedical ethicsethical governancehealthy China
《中国医学伦理学》 2025 (2)