Ethical examination of artificial intelligence application in Alzheimer's disease imaging diagnosis
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive,fatal,and neurodegenerative disease,clinically characterized by gradually developed cognitive and memory function decline,language and visuospatial disorders,and other aspects.It remains incurable and irreversible to date.In clinical settings,Alzheimer's disease usually faces the possibility of untimely diagnosis,causing difficulties in the early intervention of the disease.Thus,it is essential to improve diagnostic efficiency and help patients diagnose Alzheimer's disease as early as possible.With the continuous development of artificial intelligence(AI)technology,its application in Alzheimer's disease imaging diagnosis has shown great potential.Meanwhile,it is also accompanied by many ethical issues.By exploring the ethical challenges brought by AI in the research and application of Alzheimer's disease imaging diagnosis,such as data security,interpretability,algorithmic discrimination,and disclosure of incidental findings,the paper proposed the corresponding countermeasures,with a view to providing certain ethical guidance for the AI application in medical imaging diagnosis,protecting the rights and interests of subjects/patients,and promoting the healthy development of technology.
首都医科大学医学人文学院,北京 100069首都医科大学医学人文学院,北京 100069
artificial intelligenceAlzheimer's diseasedataalgorithminterpretabilityethical examination
《中国医学伦理学》 2025 (2)