

The application advantages,ethical dilemmas,and responses of artificial intelligence robots in medical education


AI机器人作为风靡世界充满朝气的力量,自诞生以来即在医学教育领域展现出不俗的影响力,并通过医学理论在线辅助教学、影像资料解读、临床技能实践等形式持续参与到医学教育,给医学教育带来新的发展机遇和挑战.AI技术在变革教育领域的同时,也因受制于技术逻辑而衍生出算法歧视、技术依赖、数据隐私泄露、教学主体情感交流危机和权力边界模糊等一系列伦理问题.在借鉴西方伦理原则的同时,保持清醒的本土问题意识,关注儒家生命伦理与中国医学教育的现实关系,重视仁爱原则在破解身心风险中的价值导向功能,引导学生在"成事"中成人;以生命价值原则为引领完善制度建设,抵御教育 AI技术风险,实现技术向善;以人本性原则为遵循防范教育 AI发展风险,构建和谐人机关系.

Artificial intelligence(AI)robots,as a dynamic force sweeping the world,have demonstrated remarkable influence in the field of medical education since their inception.They have continuously participated in medical education through online-assisted teaching of medical theory,interpretation of imaging materials,clinical skills practice,and other forms,bringing new opportunities and challenges for the development of medical education.Concurrent with transforming the field of education,AI technology has also given rise to a series of ethical issues due to the constraints of technological logic,such as algorithmic discrimination,technological dependence,data privacy breaches,emotional communication crises among teaching subjects,and blurred power boundaries.While drawing on Western ethical principles,it is crucial to maintain a sober awareness of local issues,pay attention to the realistic relationship between Confucian bioethics and medical education in China,emphasize the value-oriented function of benevolence principle in mitigating physical and mental risks,and guide students to become adults in"achieving success";improve the institutional construction guided by the principle of the value of life,resist the risks of educational AI technology,and achieve technological goodness;build a harmonious human-machine relationship by adhering to the principle of human nature to prevent the development risks of educational AI.


浙江中医药大学马克思主义学院,浙江 杭州 310053浙江中医药大学马克思主义学院,浙江 杭州 310053


AI robotmedical student educationethical dilemmatechnological alienationConfucian ethics

《中国医学伦理学》 2025 (2)


