Investigation on treatment of allergic rhinitis from intestine based on the theory of"lung being connected with large intestine"
In recent years,with the continuous in-depth study of the"lung-intestine"axis,people gradually found that there is a close relationship between the intestine and allergic rhinitis.However,there are few studies on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),and the specific mechanism has not been clarified.The main pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis,namely,the unfavorable nasal orifices is focused on this paper.Based on the theory of"lung being connected with large intestine"and the theory of"lung opening to the nose",the specific mechanism of the unfavorable nasal orifices due to intestinal disharmony is expounded by studying the relevant ancient Chinese medicine documents:the conduction of large intestine is out of order,the whole body's qi is out of balance,and the qi goes against the nose.Yangming is full of qi and blood,depressed and turns into heat,and the stagnation of heat causes nasal orifices.The physiological dysfunction of large intestine and small intestine makes food and drink's subtle conduction disorder,and the nasal orifices are out of nourishing Yang.This paper provides some ideas for the treatment of allergic rhinitis,enriches the theoretical research of allergic rhinitis,and has certain reference value for correlational research.
湖北中医药大学针灸骨伤学院,湖北 武汉 430065湖北中医药大学针灸骨伤学院,湖北 武汉 430065湖北省中医院针灸科,湖北 武汉 430061湖北省中医院针灸科,湖北 武汉 430061湖北省中医院耳鼻喉科,湖北 武汉 430061
Lung being connected with large intestineAllergic rhinitisIntestinal floraPathogenesis
《中国医药科学》 2025 (1)