Application of Professor Sun Guangrong's thought of"equilibrium and harmony"in cancer prevention and treatment
"和"法最早起源于《内经》,为养生的指导方法,后在各个医家的临证实践中逐渐演变为临床治疗肿瘤的常用方法.肿瘤病因复杂多样,常因情志、饮食等不良生活习惯以及社会、心理压力导致人体阴阳、脏腑、气血等失和,进而引起正常生理功能失调,产生痰、瘀、火、毒等病理产物.中医以补虚扶正、祛邪抗癌为治疗原则,力求达到阴平阳秘.在治疗肿瘤上,"致中和"思想贯穿始终.本文对"致中和"思想与肿瘤的关系、预防以及治疗原则进行探讨,并附典型医案 1 则.
The method of"harmony"originated from"Neijing"as a guiding method for health preservation,and gradually evolved into a common method for clinical treatment of tumors in the clinical practice of various traditional Chinese medicine schools.Tumor etiology is complex and diverse,often due to bad living habits such as emotion,diet,and social and psychological pressure,which leads to the disharmony of yin and yang,internal organs,qi and blood of the human body,which in turn causes the dysfunction of normal physiological functions and the production of phlegm,blood stasis,fire,toxins,and other pathological products.Chinese medicine takes replenishing the deficiency and supporting the correctness,dispelling the evil and fighting against cancer as the principle of treatment,and strives to achieve the secret of yin and yang.In the treatment of tumors,the idea of"equilibrium and harmony"runs through the whole process.In this paper,the relevance,prevention and treatment principles of"equilibrium and harmony"thought and tumor are discussed,and a typical medical case is attached.
福建省南平市人民医院治未病科,福建 南平 353000福建省南平市人民医院治未病科,福建 南平 353000
Equilibrium and harmonyTumorsPrevention and treatmentMedical record
《中国医药科学》 2025 (1)