Effect of Slag-Doped Portland Cement on the Properties of Radioactive Mud Cement Solidification
核设施贮罐在贮存放射性废液的过程中,容易在贮罐底部形成大量棕褐色的放射性泥浆沉积物.基于此,研究矿渣掺杂的硅酸盐水泥对放射性泥浆水泥固化体性能的影响.结果表明,随着矿渣含量的增加,水泥浆密度逐渐增加,且流动度逐渐递减,水泥固化浆体密实性逐渐增加,所形成的水化硅酸钙(Cement Silicate Hydrogel,C-S-H)凝胶增多;当矿渣含量达到 18%时,水泥浆固化体的抗压强度高达 20.99 MPa,且孔径尺寸为 0.4 mm,固化体密实性增强,有效提高了固化体的浸出率,为矿渣掺杂的硅酸盐水泥固化放射性泥浆提供可靠的依据.
During the storage of radioactive waste liquid in nuclear facility storage tanks,a large amount of brown radioactive mud sediment is easily formed at the bottom of the tank.Based on this,the influence of slag doped silicate cement on the properties of radioactive slurry cement solidified body is studied.The results show that as the slag content increases,the cement The density of the slurry gradually increases,and the fluidity gradually decreases.The compactness of the cement solidified slurry gradually increases,and the Cement Silicate Hydrogel(C-S-H)gel formed increases.When the slag content reaches 18%,the pressure resistance of the cement slurry solidified body increases.The strength is as high as 20.99 MPa,and the pore size is 0.4 mm.The compactness of the solidified body is enhanced,which greatly improves the leaching rate of the solidified body,providing a reliable basis for solidifying radioactive mud with slag-doped Portland cement.
中核四川环保工程有限责任公司,四川 广元 628000
slagradioactive mudcement solidificationperformance impact
《中国资源综合利用》 2025 (1)