

Research on Planning of Rainwater and Sewage Diversion and Drainage Network in Sponge City Based on GIS Technology


为优化海绵城市雨污分流规划效果,提高污水集中收集率,改善城市水环境,利用地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)开展海绵城市雨污分流排水管网规划研究.首先,采集海绵城市的基础地理数据、气象水文数据及城市设施数据,利用GIS技术建立空间数据库;其次,对海绵城市进行水文模拟,估计地表径流产生量与降雨初期径流量,获取全面的水文数据支持;最后,确定污水管道的最大设计流量,规划雨污分流排水管网,使雨水和生活污水分别排入两个不同的排水干道.实验结果表明,该方法在不同降雨条件下均表现出较高的污水集中收集率,有效提高了雨污分流排水管网运行效果.

In order to optimize the planning effect of rainwater and sewage diversion in sponge cities,improve the centralized collection rate of sewage,and enhance the urban water environment,the Geographic Information System(GIS)technology is used to conduct research on the planning of rainwater and sewage diversion and drainage pipe networks in sponge cities.Firstly,collect basic geographic data,meteorological and hydrological data,and urban facility data of sponge cities,and establish a spatial database using GIS technology.Secondly,conduct hydrological simulations on sponge cities to estimate surface runoff and initial rainfall runoff,and obtain comprehensive hydrological data support.Finally,determine the maximum design flow rate of the sewage pipeline,plan the rainwater and sewage diversion drainage network,so that rainwater and domestic sewage are discharged into two different drainage arteries.The experimental results show that this method exhibits a high centralized sewage collection rate under different rainfall conditions,effectively improving the operation efficiency of the rainwater and sewage diversion drainage network.


衡水市排水管理中心,河北 衡水 053000



Geographic Information System(GIS)sponge cityrainwater and sewage diversiondrainage pipeline network

《中国资源综合利用》 2025 (1)


