Research on Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emission Reduction Strategies for Transmission Line Tower Production Enterprises Based on International Standards
输电线路铁塔生产企业在我国分布较广,铁塔是电网和电力系统的重要基础设施,开展生产制造环节温室气体排放量化和减排策略研究,能够帮助铁塔行业在碳达峰碳中和以及新型电力系统发展背景下科学设定减碳目标,促进行业绿色低碳发展.根据温室气体排放量化的国际标准,结合某大型输电线路铁塔生产企业的实际生产运行数据,开展算例分析,使用联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)方法学和国际认可度较高的Ecoinvent数据库量化该企业 2023 年范围1、范围 2 和范围 3 的温室气体排放量.结果显示,组织层面,该企业温室气体排放量共计 165 942.36 t CO2e,金属原料获取环节的温室气体排放量占比较高,达到 92.76%.结合排放数据与企业实际情况,提出针对性的温室气体减排对策,最后对未来研究方向进行展望.总体来说,要建立绿色供应链体系,提高金属原料回收利用率,使用清洁能源,更换焊接保护气,使用高效防腐工艺.研究成果有助于规范输电线路铁塔企业温室气体排放计量,提高铁塔企业温室气体排放的管理能力,打破绿色贸易壁垒,促进行业绿色低碳发展.
The production enterprises of transmission line towers are widely distributed in China,and towers are important infrastructure for the power grid and power system,conducting research on the quantification and reduction strategies of greenhouse gas emissions in the production and manufacturing process can help the tower industry scientifically set carbon reduction goals in the context of carbon peak and carbon neutrality,as well as the development of new power systems,and promote the industry's green and low-carbon development.Based on the international standards for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and combined with the actual production and operation data of a large transmission line tower manufacturing enterprise,a case study analysis is conducted to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions of Scope 1,Scope 2,and Scope 3 of the enterprise in 2023 using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)methodology and the internationally recognized Ecoinvest database.The results show that at the organizational level,the total greenhouse gas emissions of the enterprise are 165 942.36 t of CO2e,with the greenhouse gas emissions from the metal raw material acquisition process accounting for a relatively high proportion,reaching 92.76%.Based on emission data and the actual situation of enterprises,the targeted greenhouse gas emission reduction measures are proposed,and the future research directions are finally looked forward.Overall,it is necessary to establish a green supply chain system,improve the recycling and utilization rate of metal raw materials,use clean energy,replace welding protection gas,and use efficient anti-corrosion processes.The research results will help standardize the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions in transmission line tower enterprises,improve the management capability of greenhouse gas emissions in tower enterprises,break down green trade barriers,and promote the green and low-carbon development of the industry.
北京创拓国际标准技术研究院有限责任公司,北京 100032国网电力科学研究院有限公司,南京 210000北京创拓国际标准技术研究院有限责任公司,北京 100032北京创拓国际标准技术研究院有限责任公司,北京 100032北京创拓国际标准技术研究院有限责任公司,北京 100032
towersgreenhouse gas emissionsinternational standardsgreenhouse gas emissions reductionpower system
《中国资源综合利用》 2025 (1)