Application of UAV aerial photogrammetry based on multi-source data in large scale terrain surveying and mapping
Large scale topographic maps are foundational data for engineering construction and planning management,with high precision requirements and detailed descriptions.When using traditional aerial photogrammetry or unmanned aerial vehicle single source data aerial surveying to produce large-scale topographic maps,due to their own limitations,the operational efficiency is low and the mapping accuracy is difficult to guarantee.The article combines engineering practice to introduce a multi-source data aerial survey technology for unmanned aerial vehicles.This technology integrates the advantages of stereo image pairs,dense point clouds,and 3D models,utilizing stereo image pairs to collect basic terrain information,dense point clouds to obtain feature elevation information,and 3D models to supplement detailed terrain information,achieving efficient and high-quality production of large-scale topographic maps.Compared with traditional methods,unmanned aerial vehicle multi-source data aerial surveying technology has the characteristics of being lightweight,flexible,efficient,fast,accurate,reliable,and intuitive.It has broad application prospects in the field of large-scale terrain mapping.
中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430063
UAVmulti-source dataaerial photogrammetrylarge scale terrain surveying and mapping
《智能城市》 2025 (1)