Fission and Aggregation of Psychological Resilience of Secondary Vocational Students
Psychological resilience,as a positive psychological trait,is crucial for secondary vocational students to cope with identity issues,left-behind experiences and academic pressures.This study analyzed the psychological resilience and its influencing factors among 1856 secondary vocational students from six vocational schools in Guangdong Province through questionnaires.At the holistic level:firstly,male students,urban students,non-left-behind students,boarding students,and lower-grade students exhibited better psychological resilience.Secondly,age and objective family socioeconomic status were positively correlated with psychological resilience;left-behind duration and subjective family social class status were negatively correlated with psychological resilience.At the comparative level:firstly,among left-behind students,psychological resilience exhibited effects of"skip-generation rearing"and"degree of kinship".Secondly,non-left-behind students could be divided into"C1 moderate resilience group"and"C2 above-moderate resilience group",while left-behind students could be categorized into"T1 low resilience group","T2 moderate resilience group"and"T3 high resilience group".In summary,the psychological resilience of secondary vocational students generally needs improvement,and left-behind students exhibit polarity with a larger potential for improvement.In the future,while optimizing campus support,attentions should also be given to female students,higher-grade students,and students with left-behind experiences.Additionally,the synergistic significance of family structure,education attainment,and job stability should be promoted.
secondary vocational studentspsychological resilienceleft-behind experiencelatent profile analysis
《职业技术教育》 2025 (5)