

Vocational Education Highland Construction in China from the Perspective of Modernization:Practical Effectiveness and Developmental Picture



The ministry-province joint construction of strategic highlands for vocational education innovation and development is an important strategic arrangement and institutional design at the national policy level to promote the modernization and development of Chinese-style vocational education.The study uses Maxqda2020 and Nvivo12plus software to qualitatively analyze the implementation of five VET highland cases,and constructs five core categories including development goal characteristics,social function characteristics,construction path characteristics,education system characteristics,and institutional mechanism characteristics,which present a complete picture of the current construction reality.To adapt to the high-quality development under the new paradigm and advance the process of Chinese-style modernization,the construction of vocational education highlands needs to establish an endogenous development model based on endogenous theory,providing an action orientation for the development of vocational education highlands.It is essential to adhere to the overall planning and design at the top level,guiding the planning and construction of vocational education highlands through classified approaches.Efforts should be made to promote the integration and"going-out"of international vocational education resources,exploring the Chinese path for the endogenous development of vocational education highlands.Furthermore,it is crucial to strengthen the implementation of industry-education consortia and communities,driving the synergistic linkage among the main bodies of endogenous development in the highlands.Actively participating in digital strategic initiatives is also necessary to deepen the reform and innovation of the endogenous development model for vocational education highlands.





Chinese-style modernizationministry-province joint constructionvocational education highlandvocational education system

《职业技术教育》 2025 (6)


