Research on Policy Texts from the Perspective of Policy Tools for the High-quality Development of Rural E-commerce
In the context of current rural e-commerce policy implementation,rural e-commerce has emerged as a pivotal driver of rural revitalization.By leveraging modern informa-tion technologies and internet platforms,rural e-commerce not only optimizes the distribution channels for agricultural products but also fosters the diversification and modernization of rural economies.Investigating the design and application of policy tools in rural e-commerce provides valuable insights into the internal logic of governmental tool selection during policy execution.Such an investigation further contributes to the theoretical foundation and practical guidance necessary for improving future policy frameworks.Grounded in policy tool theory,this study em-ploys a two-dimensional analytical framework of"policy tools-policy goals"and utilizes qualita-tive analysis software NVivo 14 to code and analyze 17 rural e-commerce policy documents. The study reveals that supply-side,demand-side,and environmental policy tools each serve distinct and critical roles in facilitating the high-quality development of rural e-commerce.Supply-side tools,such as infrastructure improvements,financial support,and tech-nical service provision,enhance resource allocation.Demand-side tools focus on stimulating consumption and expanding market demand,thereby fostering endogenous growth within the ru-ral e-commerce sector.Environmental tools,encompassing institutional development,legal regu-lations,and market supervision,provide a stable external environment and robust institutional safeguards for rural e-commerce.The coordinated deployment of these three categories of policy tools comprehensively promotes rural e-commerce development,reflecting policymakers'strate-gic approach to implementing multidimensional intervention. However,the analysis also reveals an imbalance in the distribution of these policy tools,re-flecting policymakers'preferences.Environmental tools dominate the policy landscape,suggest-ing a pronounced reliance on institutionalized approaches to address the complexities inherent in rural e-commerce development.This path dependence underscores policymakers'emphasis on market stability and regulatory frameworks while also showcasing the distinct advantages of environmental tools in optimizing external conditions and eliminating market barriers.In con-trast,supply-side and demand-side tools are more commonly employed as supplementary mea-sures due to their operational complexity and resource-intensive nature.This tendency illus-trates policymakers'emphasis on shaping the macro-environment and their inclination toward stable,institutionalized pathways in policy implementation. This study advances the understanding of rural e-commerce policy tool design and applica-tion,providing a theoretical basis for optimizing the composition of policy tools.By achieving a more balanced application of supply-side,demand-side,and environmental tools,policymakers can enhance policy effectiveness,foster the sustainable and high-quality development of rural e-commerce,and better achieve the overarching objectives of rural revitalization.
河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 211100河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 211100河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 211100
rural e-commercepolicy toolspolicy objectivesenvironmental toolshigh-quality development
《创新科技》 2025 (2)