

Modified Chevron-Gerbert osteotomy for treatment of hallux valgus with increased distal metatarsal articular angle


目的 探讨改良Chevron-Gerbert截骨术治疗远端跖骨关节角(DMAA角)增大的(足母)外翻的疗效.方法 将14 例DMAA角增大的(足母)外翻患者(17 足)采用改良Chevron-Gerbert截骨术治疗.记录影像学指标及AOFAS前足评分.结果 患者均获得随访,时间3~14 个月.除1 足切口延迟愈合外,其余16 足切口均一期愈合.未出现骨不连情况,截骨处均愈合,时间8~15 周.末次随访时,各项影像学指标及AOFAS前足评分均优于术前(P<0.05);患者疼痛症状均缓解,可正常行走,步态恢复正常.结论 改良Chevron-Gerbert 截骨术治疗DMAA角增大的(足母)外翻畸形矫正效果较好,临床效果满意.

Objective To investigate the effect of modified Chevron-Gerbert osteotomy in the treatment of hallux val-gus with increased distal metatarsal articular angle(DMAA).Methods The 14 patients of hallux valgus with in-creased DMAA(17 feet)were performed with modified Chevron-Gerbert osteotomy.The imaging parameters and AO-FAS forefoot scores were recorded.Results All patients were followed up for 3~14 months.Except for 1 foot with delayed healing,all incisions of 16 feet healed in one-stage.No bone nonunion occurred,all the osteotomy sites healed within 8~15 weeks.At the last follow-up,the various imaging parameters and AOFAS forefoot scores were better than those before operation(P<0.05);the patients pain symptom were all relieved,and the patients could walk normally,the gait returned to normal.Conclusions The modified Chevron-Gerbert osteotomy has a good effect in the correction of valgus deformity with increased DMAA,the clinical result is good.


中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九六〇医院骨科,山东 济南 250031中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九六〇医院骨科,山东 济南 250031



hallux valgusmodified Chevron-Gerbert osteotomy

《临床骨科杂志》 2025 (1)


