

Treatment of lumbar disc herniation complicated with cauda equina symptoms by percutane-ous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy


目的 探讨经皮椎间孔镜技术(PTED)治疗伴马尾神经症状的腰椎间盘突出症的疗效.方法 采用PTED治疗21 例伴马尾神经症状的腰椎间盘突出症患者,其中 14 例以大小便障碍、鞍区感觉异常为主要表现,7 例以双下肢肌力下降为主要表现.记录马尾神经症状的改善情况.采用疼痛VAS评分评估腰、腿疼痛情况,采用ODI评分评价患者生活质量.结果 患者均获得随访,时间 1~6 年.14 例术前马尾神经症状以大小便障碍、鞍区感觉异常为主要表现者,术后症状改善时间为0.5~14(4.26±2.09)个月;7 例术前马尾神经症状以双下肢肌力下降为主要表现者,术后1 年随访时除1 例肌力0 级无变化外,其余6 例肌力均较术前改善.腰、腿疼痛VAS评分及ODI评分术后1 年均低于术前(P<0.05).结论 PTED治疗伴马尾神经症状腰椎间盘突出症,马尾神经症状改善明显,临床疗效满意.

Objective To explore the efficacy of percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy(PTED)for treat-ment of lumbar disc herniation complicated with cauda equina symptoms.Methods The 21 patients with lumbar disc herniation complicated with cauda equina nerve symptoms were treated with PTED.Among them,14 cases were mainly characterized by urinary and fecal disorders,abnormal sensation in the sellar region,and 7 cases were mainly charac-terized by decreased muscle strength in both lower limbs.The improvement of the cauda equina symptoms were recored.Pain VAS was used to evaluate lumbar and leg pain,and ODI score was used to evaluate patient quality of life.Results All patients were followed up for 1~6 years.The 14 cases who suffered from preoperative symptoms of the cauda equina were mainly characterized by urinary and fecal disorders,abnormal sensation in the sellar region,the improvement time of postoperative symptoms was0.5~14(4.26±2.09)months;the 7 cases with preoperative symptoms of the cauda equina,the main manifestation was a decrease in muscle strength in both lower limbs.At 1 year follow-up after surgery,except for one case who had no change in muscle strength at grade 0,the remaining 6 cases showed improvement in muscle strength,compared to before surgery.The pain VAS and ODI scores for lower back and leg pain were lower than preoperative scores at 1 year after surgery(P<0.05).Conclusions PTED treatment for lumbar disc herniation complicated with cauda equina symptoms shows significant improvement in symptoms,with sat-isfactory clinical efficacy.


临西县第二人民医院骨科,河北 邢台 054900临西县第二人民医院骨科,河北 邢台 054900



percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomylumbar disc herniationcauda equina symptom

《临床骨科杂志》 2025 (1)


