

The Social Structure and Administrative Practices of the Han Empire's Frontier Commanderies and Inner Commanderies:Similarities and Differences



The frontier regions of the Han Dynasty(206 B.C.-220 A.D.)served as key spaces for ethnic interaction,ex-change,and integration,often referred to as the"northern frontier,""southern frontier,""western frontier,"and"northwestern frontier"respectively.Frontier commanderies,also known as"border commanderies"(边郡),were distinct administrative re-gions in the Han Dynasty,which are often referenced in historical texts as"northern frontier commanderies"and"southern fron-tier commanderies."During the Western Han period(206 B.C.-9 A.D.),the governors of these frontier commanderies were often"renowned generals,"reflecting their significant military responsibilities.The primary personnel serving in the frontier com-manderies were likely conscripted soldiers fulfilling their military duties.The military significance and transportation conditions of these commanderies were given special attention.During periods of heightened warfare,the mobilization of troops from the frontier commanderies became a national effort.In contrast,administrative regions corresponding to these frontier commanderies were known as"inner commanderies"(内郡).The selection criteria for officials in frontier and inner commanderies exhibited clear and pronounced differences.Nonetheless,the unique ethnic composition of the frontier commanderies contributed to cultural cus-toms distinct from those of the inner commanderies.Differences in administrative practices between the two types of commanderies are also reflected in historical materials such as the Han dynasty bamboo slips.Even in later periods when the term"commandery"was no longer used in administrative nomenclature,references to"frontier commanderies"persisted in historical documents.This phenomenon may be attributed to the historical influence of the Han Dynasty's frontier policies and the cultural inertia associated with them.


西北大学 历史学院,陕西 西安 710127



the Han Empirefrontier commanderies(边郡)inner commanderies(内郡)northern frontier commander-iessouthern frontier commanderiesofficial selectionpolicy

《南都学坛》 2025 (2)


