

Spread law of loose coal combustion under lateral wind flow conditions on the surface


煤的自燃特性使其在开采、存储和运输过程中存在火灾事故隐患,极大地阻碍了煤炭行业的可持续发展.通过自主搭建的敞车载运煤燃烧蔓延模拟实验装置,分析在表面横向风流作用下的松散煤体内部高温区域演变以及气体蔓延规律.结果表明,表面横向风流明显加快了本文实验煤样内部高温区域蔓延速度,相比无风状况下,高温蔓延速度加快了 0.3 倍(风流1 m·s-1 时)和 0.5倍(风流 2 m·s-1 时),高温区域峰值温度升高了 120±20℃;受表面横向风流影响,燃烧蔓延路径向风流流动方向偏移;在风流 0 m·s-1 时,燃烧的高温点O2 体积分数快速下降阶段所经历的时间随纵深的增加逐渐增大,风流作用会加剧煤氧反应.研究成果可为煤炭在运输与储存过程煤火灾害形成规律研究提供参考借鉴.

Spontaneous combustion of coal increases the risk of fires during its storage and transportation,posing a challenge to the sustainable development of the coal industry.This study employs various similarity criteria,including geometric,time,kinematic,dynamical,Euler's,Strohal's,Vernold's,and Reynolds'criteria,to investigate the rules of the spread of loose coal body combustion under wind flow conditions using a self-built,open-vehicle coal transportation simulation experimental device.The device recreates the temperature rise process in loose coal bodies,the formation of high-temperature areas,and their subsequent spread.It also analyzes the internal high-temperature area spread and gas distribution rules under wind flow.During the experiment,the temperature of each measurement point changed as the constant temperature time increased,with the measurement points closer to the heat source showing a significant temperature increase compared with those farther away.The experiments were conducted for 70,54,and 48 h under wind flows of 0,1,and 2 m·s-1,respectively.The results reveal that the crosswind flow on the surface significantly accelerates the spread of the seed of coal sample combustion.Compared to wind flow at 0 m·s-1,the high-temperature area spread time is 0.3 times quicker(wind flow at 1 m·s-1)and 0.5 times quicker(wind flow at 2 m·s-1);moreover,the maximum temperature of the high-temperature area increases by 120±20℃,eventually stabilizing at 510℃-560℃.The spreading path of the high-temperature area drifts toward the wind under the influence of crosswind flow on the surface.When the wind flow is 0 m·s-1 the difference between the time when the CO concentration peaks at the critical point of each layer and when the critical point reaches 300℃(Δh1)gradually increases with the number of layers.However,under the effect of wind flow,Δh1 is maintained at 1.4±1 h(wind flow at 1 m·s-1)and 0.9 h(wind flow at 2 m·s-1),thus intensifying the coal-oxygen reaction and causing the combustion to spread more rapidly.For each critical point of the oxygen volume fraction of the layers,the time elapsed during the rapid decline phase of the O2 volume fraction at the high-temperature point of combustion gradually increases with depth.When the wind flow is 0 m·s-1,the difference between the time to reach the limiting O2 volume fraction at the critical point and the time to reach 300℃at the critical point(Δh2)increases with depth.However,under the effect of wind flow,Δh2 is maintained at 0.6±0.3 h(wind flow at 1 m·s-1)and 1±0.2 h(wind flow at 2 m·s-1),indicating that surface airflow can exacerbate the rate of O2 consumption during the downward spread of high temperatures.Therefore,controlling air leakage can delay the spread of coal fires.These findings offer valuable insights for developing guidelines to control coal fires during coal transportation and storage.


西安科技大学安全科学与工程学院,西安 710054||陕西省煤火灾害防治重点实验室,西安 710054陕西黄陵二号煤矿有限公司,黄陵 727300



coal spontaneous combustioncross wind flowtemperature fieldgas spreadingopen-vehicle coal transportation

《工程科学学报》 2024 (002)

187-198 / 12


