

Preparation of composite catalyst Fe3O4/ZIF-9 and its rapid degradation rates toward methylene blue


为了提高水中有机染料的降解速率,采用超声和溶剂热法制备Fe3O4/ZIF-9 复合催化剂,该催化剂为立方状的金属有机骨架ZIF-9且表面附着有类球形Fe3O4 颗粒.Fe3O4 的加入为ZIF-9 提供了更多的成核位点,同时Fe3O4/钴盐比例的变化也会影响ZIF-9的成核与生长.当Fe3O4/钴盐摩尔比为 1∶1 时,该催化剂在 30 min内对亚甲基蓝的降解率达到 95.1%,催化反应 10 min的伪一阶动力学常数达到 0.101 min-1,在pH为 5~9 范围内保持稳定的高催化性能.X射线光电子能谱(XPS)结果表明铁和钴位点之间存在电子转移,并且钴和铁的协同作用可以降低钴的还原电位,从而加速钴的价态变化,提升催化速率.电磁共振实验(EPR)结果显示该催化剂可以活化过一硫酸盐生成单线态氧(1O2)、硫酸根自由基(SO4-·)和羟基自由基(·OH),进一步通过活性因子淬灭实验发现其中单线态氧为主要活性物种.由此可知,Fe3O4/ZIF-9 通过铁和钴位点的氧化还原循环催化PMS不断生成1O2、·OH和SO4-·,共同将亚甲基蓝分子降解成二氧化碳和水.此外,磁滞回线测试(VSM)结果显示,该复合材料饱和磁化强度值为 7.6 A·m2·kg-1,表明Fe3O4 能赋予复合催化剂良好的铁磁性,同时该催化剂循环使用 4 次后仍保持较高的降解率,表明该复合催化剂具有良好的回收性能和重复使用性能.本研究为有机染料等污染物的治理提供了新的技术和材料支撑.

To enhance the degradation rate of methylene blue(MB)in water,ultrasonication and solvothermal methods were used to prepare Fe3O4/ZIF-9 composite catalysts.The morphology of the catalyst revealed the attachment of cubic ZIF-9 particles to spherical-like Fe3O4 particles.The particle sizes of these ZIF-9s slightly varied,which might be due to the influence of the increased number of nucleation sites originating from the addition of Fe3O4 on the nucleation and growth of ZIF-9s as well as the effects of the variation in Fe3O4/Co salt ratio on the nucleation quantity and growth rate of ZIF-9s.Using this catalyst at a Fe3O4/Co salt molar ratio of 1∶1,95.1%of the MB was degraded within 30 min. Its pseudo-first-order kinetic constant for a 10-min catalytic reaction reached 0.101 min-1, and it remained stable and had high catalytic performance within the pH range from 5 to 9. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results showed that the valence state changes of Fe and Co in Fe3O4/ZIF-9 after MB degradation, verifying the electron transfer between the Fe and Co sites. Meanwhile, the divalent unsaturated Fe and Co sites in the Fe3O4/ZIF-9 structure were likely to synergistically transfer electrons based on the fast degradation kinetics mentioned above. Consequently, compared with the pure ZIF-9, the addition of Fe ions can effectively reduce the reduction potential of Co ions and accelerate the valence state changes of Co ions and the corresponding redox cycle. Furthermore, electron paramagnetic resonance results demonstrated that Fe3O4/ZIF-9 can activate peroxymonosulfate to generate singlet oxygen (1O2), sulfate radicals(SO4-·), and hydroxyl radicals (·OH), with 1O2 being the primary active species, as further confirmed by the free radical quenching test. Hence, such a redox cycle of Fe and Co sites continuously generated 1O2, SO4-·, and·OH, which degraded the MB molecules into carbon dioxide and water. Moreover, a saturation magnetization value of 7.6 A·m2·kg-1 was measured using the vibrating sample magnetometer method, indicating that the Fe3O4 imparts good ferromagnetic properties to the composite catalyst, facilitating its collection and recovery after the catalytic reaction. In addition, after four cycles of use, the catalyst maintained its structure and high degradation rate without significant changes, thereby demonstrating excellent reusability. In conclusion, this study systematically explored the influence of the Fe3O4/Co salt molar ratio on the structure and catalytic performance of the catalyst, qualitatively analyzed the active species during catalysis, and further elucidated the mechanism by which Fe3O4/ZIF-9 improves the catalytic efficiency. This study offers insight into techniques for the organic dye remediation.


北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083



metal-organic frameworksultrasonic methodsolvothermal methodFe3O4ZIF-9high degradation ratesmagnetic recovery

《工程科学学报》 2024 (002)

268-278 / 11


