

Research Status of Precision Planting Section Control Technology of Maize


简述了玉米精量播种区段控制技术的重要意义,指出精量播种区段控制技术是节约良种、提高产量的有效手段,是实现玉米播种节种减损的重要途径.概述了区段控制的发展历程,基于区段控制流程将玉米精量播种区段控制技术分解为种子着床定位、位置关系判断、排种启停控制等 3 个过程,并介绍了 3 个过程的主要研究内容和研究历程.综合国内外研究,指出了目前区段控制技术面临的主要技术难点,并结合我国当前玉米播种情况,展望了我国玉米精量播种区段控制技术的发展趋势.

This paper briefly describes the significance of precision planting section control technology of maize,and points out that precision planting section control technology is an effective means to save good seeds and improve yield,and an important way to realize seed saving and loss reduction in maize planting.The development process of section con-trol is summarized.Based on the section control process,the section control technology of precision planting is divided in-to three processes:seed implantation positioning,position relationship judgment and seed metering start and stop control.The main research contents and research process of the three processes are introduced.Based on the research at home and abroad,the main technical difficulties faced by section control technology are pointed out.Finally,combined with the current situation of maize planting in China,the development trend of maize precision sowing section control technology in China is prospected.


广西大学 机械工程学院, 南宁 530004北京市农林科学院 智能装备技术研究中心, 北京 100097东北农业大学 电气与信息学院, 哈尔滨 150030



maizeprecision plantingsection controlresearch status

《农机化研究》 2024 (001)

9-16 / 8

