

Parameter Calibration of Discrete Element Model of Granular Potassium Fertilizer Based on Angle of Repose Test


为了获取颗粒钾肥的离散元模型参数,对一种颗粒钾肥测量三轴尺寸、质量,通过查阅文献确定离散元仿真参数的取值范围,并通过无底圆筒堆积物理试验,获得颗粒钾肥的休止角.采用 EDEM 软件建立颗粒钾肥仿真模型,通过试验设计,以期获得不同参数组合下的休止角仿真试验结果.通过 Design Expert 软件内部的Plackett-Burman 功能,对仿真所需要的 8 个关键参数进行显著性测评,发现钾肥-钾肥静摩擦因数以及钾肥-钾肥滚动摩擦因数对休止角的角度有显著影响;通过最陡爬坡试验进一步确定这两个参数的取值范围,其余 6 个参数由于显著性较小全部取中值.在此基础上,根据 Box-Behnken 试验结果建立了休止角与显著性参数的二阶回归模型,并对模型进行了优化,最终确定参数的取值为:钾肥泊松比为 0.25,钾肥剪切模量为 7.3×107,钾肥-钾肥恢复系数为 0.35,钾肥-钢板恢复系数为 0.25,钾肥-钾肥静摩擦因数为 0.4,钾肥-钢板静摩擦因数为0.3、钾肥-钾肥滚动摩擦因数为 0.2、钾肥-钢板滚动摩擦因数为 0.245.采用上述参数组合,进行休止角仿真试验,对仿真休止角与物理试验休止角结果作对比验证,通过 T 检验发现二者没有显著差异(t<t0.05/2).由此表明,采用响应面优化标定颗粒钾肥离散元模型关键参数可行,标定的参数可为颗粒钾肥离散元仿真提供参考.

The triaxial size and quality of a kind of granular potash fertilizer were measured,the value range of discrete element simulation parameters was determined by referring to the literature.The angle of repose of potash fertilizer was ob-tained through the physical test of bottomless cylinder stacking.EDEM software was used to establish the simulation model of potash fertilizer.Through experimental design,the simulation results of angle of repose under different parameter com-binations are obtained.Through the Plackett-Burman function in Expert Design software,the significance of 8 key param-eters required for simulation was evaluated.It was found that the static friction coefficient of potash fertilizer and the roll-ing friction coefficient of potash fertilizer had a significant effect on the angle of repose.The value range of two parameters was further determined by the steepest climbing test,and the remaining six parameters were all taken as median values due to their litter significance.Based on the box-Behnken test results,a second-order regression model of angle of repose and significance parameters was established,and the model was optimized.Finally,the values of the parameters are de-termined as:Poisson ratio of potassium fertilizer is 0.25,shear modulus of potassium fertilizer is 7.3×107,recovery co-efficient of potassium fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is 0.35,recovery coefficient of potassium fertilizer and steel plate is 0.25,static friction coefficient of potassium fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is 0.4,static friction coefficient of potassi-um fertilizer and steel plate is 0.3,rolling friction coefficient of potassium fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is 0.2,rolling friction coefficient of potassium fertilizer and steel plate is 0.245.The combination of the above parameters was used to carry out the simulation test of angle of repose.The results of simulation angle of repose and physical test were compared and verified,and no significant difference was found by T test(T<T0.05/2).The results showed that it was feasible to calibrate key parameters of discrete element model of granular potassium fertilizer by response surface optimization,and the calibrated parameters could provide reference for discrete element simulation of granular potassium fertilizer.


塔里木大学 现代农业工程重点实验室, 新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学 现代农业工程重点实验室, 新疆 阿拉尔 843300||中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083



potash granulediscrete element parameterdemarcatingangle of repose

《农机化研究》 2024 (001)

46-53 / 8

