

Design of Agricultural Machinery Automatic Steering System Based on Fuzzy Neural Network


现代农业生产中要求农业机械在田间工作过程中可实现实时、高效的控制性能.为此,基于模糊控制规则的模糊神经网络控制器,利用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)进行人工神经网络模型的优化,对拖拉机转向系统进行优化设计,得到农业机械田间工作时目标输出和实际输出的仿真曲线.基于东方红拖拉机搭建试验平台,进行了输出响应测试和角度测试,并通过 MatLab 仿真对控制系统的性能进行了分析.研究结果表明:模糊控制规则的模糊神经网络控制器和基于遗传神经网络的改进算法能有效缩短农业转向系统的响应时间,减少超调量,提高转向精度,是一种更加有效的田间作业的控制方法.

Modern agricultural production requires agricultural machinery to achieve real-time and efficient control per-formance during field work.In this study,the fuzzy neural network controller based on fuzzy control rules and the im-proved algorithm based on genetic neural network are used to realize the fuzzy neural network controller of the agricultural machinery steering system,and obtain the target output and actual output through the simulation curve when the agricul-tural machinery is working in the field.Based on the Dongfang red tractor,a test platform was built,the output response test and angle test were carried out,and the performance of the control system was analyzed through MatLab simulation.The research results show that the fuzzy neural network controller based on fuzzy control rules and the improved algorithm based on the genetic neural network can effectively shorten the response time of the agricultural steering system,reduce the overshoot,and improve the steering accuracy,which is a more controllable method for agricultural machinery field op-erations.method.


黄河交通学院, 河南 武陟 454950



deep learningneural networkfuzzy controlautomatic steeringsystem controlagricultural machinery

《农机化研究》 2024 (001)

225-229,233 / 6

河南省高校国家级大学生创新创业计划项目(202013498 009S)
