

Analysis of Motiom and Mechanical Properties of Digging Parts of Carrot Combine Harvester


针对胡萝卜联合收获机挖掘铲入土困难、挖掘壅土造成夹持不准、挖掘阻力大等问题,开展了胡萝卜挖掘部件运动及力学特性研究.构建了挖掘部件入土特性及与土壤互作力学特性的数学模型,理论解析了入土角、入土行程、挖掘阻力及挖掘部件结构间的关联关系.借助 EDEM 离散元仿真软件,分析了挖掘铲的入土行程及铲土互作力学特性,并进行田间验证试验.结果表明:土壤壅起高度、挖掘阻力均与入土角度成正比,最终入土角为 14°~22°时,胡萝卜收净率≥98%,破损率为≤1.5%,壅土现象不显著,满足收获要求.

Aiming at the problems of difficult digging and shoveling of carrot combine harvester,inaccurate clamping caused by digging backwater,large digging resistance and so on,motion and mechanical properties of carrot digging parts was studied in this paper.The mathematical model of the soil penetration characteristics of the digging parts and the me-chanical characteristics of the interaction with the soil is constructed,and the correlation between the soil penetration an-gle,the soil penetration stroke,the excavation resistance and the structure of the excavation parts were theoretically ana-lyzed.By using of EDEM discrete element simulation software,the penetration stroke and mechanical characteristics of shovel soil interaction of excavation shovel were studied and analyzed,and the field verification test was carried out.The results show that the soil blocking height and excavation resistance are directly proportional to the penetration angle.When the final penetration angle is 14 °~22 °,the net yield of carrot is≥98%and the damage rate is≤1.5%.The blocking phenomenon is not significant and meets the harvest requirements.


青岛农业大学 机电工程学院, 山东 青岛 266109



carrot combine harvesterdigging shovelsoil penetrationmechanical propertiesEDEM

《农机化研究》 2024 (002)

49-54,59 / 7

