

Design and Test of the Airflow Adjustment Test Bench for Orchard Air-assisted Spraying


目前,果园风送喷雾技术与装备正在朝着精准化和智能化方向发展.果园喷雾控制对象主要为喷施药量和风力供给量,果树冠层内外药液沉积分布很大程度上取决于风送系统风力供给,只有风力和药量均得到精确控制,才能实现果园对靶精准喷雾.为此,基于轴流风机设计了风机转速、进风口面积和出风口导流板倾斜角度可独立调控的果园风送喷雾风力调控试验台,通过直流电机调速实现风机转速调节;进风口采用百叶结构,通过调节百叶倾斜角度实现进风口开度大小调节;出风口采用塔式结构,通过 22 路舵机控制出风口不同喷头位置处导流板倾斜角度独立调节,并基于 C#语言开发了上位机界面.利用试验平台开展了风机转速、进风口面积和出风口导流板倾斜角度独立调控风力变化特性试验,结果表明:出风口风速风量变化与风机转速和进风口面积调节呈正相关,出风口风速在垂直方向分布位置随导流板倾斜角度增加发生改变,同时分别建立了出风口最大风速与风机转速和进风口面积之间的关系模型.喷药过程中,可通过风机转速与导流板倾斜角度联合调节或进风口面积与导流板倾斜角度联合调节实现出风口风速风量在果树冠层垂直方向分布位置和大小调节.研究结果为实现根据果树冠层体积和枝叶稠密度变化进行风力在线调控提供了一种新方法,对加快果园精准喷雾技术应用具有重要意义.

Pesticide application rate and air supply rate are the two manipulated outputs of an orchard sprayer control sys-tem.The distribution of pesticide deposits inside and outside the canopy of fruit trees depends largely on the air supply rate supply.The pesticide application rate and air supply rate should be simultaneously controlled precisely to realize the orchard precision spraying.Based on the axial flow fan,this paper designs an orchard airflow adjustment test bench that can independently control the fan speed,the air inlet area and the angle of deflectors in the bellows.The fan speed is ad-justed by DC motor,the air inlet adopts a louver structure to change the air inlet area by adjusting the inclination angle of the louvers,the air outlet adopts a tower structure,the deflectors at different nozzle positions of the air outlet are con-trolled by 22 steering gears to independently adjust the angle of the deflector,and developed the host computer interface based on C#language.The independent wind adjustment characteristic tests of fan speed,air inlet area and angle of de-flectors in the air outlet was carried out based on the test bench.The results show that the variation of air speed and air volume at the outlet is positively correlated with the fan speed and the air inlet area regulation,the distribution position of air velocity at the outlet in the vertical direction changes with the increase of the deflector tilt angle.Meanwhile,the rela-tionship model between the maximum wind velocity at the outlet and the fan speed and the air inlet area is established re-spectively.In the process of spraying,the air speed and air volume at different positions of the fruit tree canopy can be regulated by adjusting the fan speed and the inclination angle of the deflector or the air inlet area and the inclination angle of the deflector.This research provides a new method for the airflow online on-demand adjustment based on changes in the volume and density of the fruit tree canopy,which is of great significance to accelerate the application of precision spraying technology in orchard.


江苏大学 农业工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212000||北京市农林科学院智能装备技术研究中心, 北京 100097北京市农林科学院智能装备技术研究中心, 北京 100097||西北农林科技大学 机械与电子工程学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100江苏大学 农业工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212000北京市农林科学院智能装备技术研究中心, 北京 100097



orchard precision sprayingairflow adjustment test benchair-assisted spraying

《农机化研究》 2024 (002)

132-138 / 7

