

Study on Resonance Characteristics of Complex Branches of Walnut Tree Based on Trunk Vibration Harvesting Equipment


为确定大型果树树干摇振收获设备的激振参数,探究大型果树复杂分枝的共振特性,以南疆核桃树为研究对象,应用自主研发的树干摇振收获设备开展核桃树扫频共振检测试验,通过试验得到样本树检测点时间-加速度响应幅值曲线与激振频率-加速度响应幅值曲线,并进行分析.结果表明:核桃树分枝生长方向受扫频激振影响较小;核桃树复杂分枝上的主枝与其上分枝共振频率一致,样本树复杂分枝检测点的共振频率方差最大值为 0.038 Hz,小于 0.05 Hz;核桃树复杂分枝的分枝长径比与分枝共振响应幅值呈正相关,样本树复杂分枝的分枝长径比与 Z 轴共振响应幅值的相关系数为 0.455,呈密切正相关.研究可为大型果树树干摇振收获设备激振频率的确定奠定基础.

In order to determine the excitation parameters of trunk rocking harvest of large fruit trees,the resonance characteristics of complex branches of large fruit trees were explored.Taking walnut trees in southern Xinjiang as the re-search object,the resonance frequency sweep detection test of walnut trees was carried out by using the self-developed trunk shaking harvesting equipment.The time-acceleration response amplitude curve and excitation frequency-accelera-tion response amplitude curve of sample tree detection point were obtained and analyzed.It was found that the branch growth direction of walnut trees was less affected by sweep vibration.The resonance frequency of the main branch on the complex branch of walnut tree is consistent with that of its upper branch.The maximum variance of the resonance fre-quency at the detection point of the complex branch of the sample tree is 0.038 Hz,which is less than 0.05 Hz.The length-diameter ratio of complex branches of walnut trees was positively correlated with the amplitude of branch resonance response.The correlation coefficient between the length-diameter ratio of complex branches of sample trees and the am-plitude of Z-axis resonance response was 0.455,which was close positive correlation.This study can lay the foundation for determining the excitation frequency of large fruit tree trunk vibration harvesting.


新疆大学 机械工程学院, 乌鲁木齐 830017



walnut treecomplex branchingresonance characteristicsshaking trunksweep resonance detection

《农机化研究》 2024 (002)

157-162,197 / 7

