

Simulation Analysis and Test Validation of Reverse Rotary Tiller Operation Power Consumption


针对油莎豆收获过程中功率消耗过高的问题,设计了一种反转旋耕挖掘装置,确定了主要工作部件旋耕刀的结构参数,并明确了旋耕装置的作业功率消耗主要组成.建立沙壤土土壤颗粒模型和油莎豆植株颗粒模型,最终建立土壤-植株-旋耕刀相互作用离散元仿真模型,并进行反转旋耕刀功耗仿真试验.采用正交试验设计,以刀辊转速、前进速度、作业深度为试验因素,以功率消耗为试验指标,通过 Design-Expert 10.0.1 进行数据分析,得出旋耕刀最佳工作参数,确定最优作业参数为刀轴转速 233r/min、前进速度 0.65m/s、工作深度138mm,此时功率消耗为 30.49kW.经田间试验验证,理论值与试验值相对误差平均值为 4.22%,表明功率消耗数学模型具有较高的适用性.研究中旋耕刀功率消耗仿真分析结果和最优作业参数可为旋耕挖掘、减阻降耗提供参考.

In response to the problem of high power consumption during Cyperus esculentus harvest,a reverse rotary tiller was designed.The structural parameters of the main working components of the rotary wool knife and the main composi-tion of the operating power consumption of the rotary slide were clarified.The soil-plants-spiral tool interaction discrete dollar simulation model was established to perform a reverse rotary tiller power simulation test.An orthogonal test was de-signed with power consumption as the test indicator.The speed,advancement speed,and work depth are experimental factors.Data analysis is performed by Design-Expert 10.0.1,resulting in the best working parameters of the spiral knife.The optimal job parameter is a spindle speed of 233r/min.The advancement speed is 0.65m/s,the working depth is 138mm,and the power consumption is 30.49 kW.The field test verification is verified.The relative error of theoretical and experimental values is 4.22%,proving that the power consumption mathematical model is highly applica-ble.In this study,the consumption simulation results and optimal job parameters can provide a reference for spiral mining and reduction definition.


青岛农业大学 机电工程学院, 山东 青岛 266109



cyperus esculentusrotary tillage miningpower consumptiondiscrete element

《农机化研究》 2024 (004)

15-21,82 / 8

