

Simulation Analysis and Test of Rotary Spade Oil Tea Reclamation Device


针对目前油茶林垦复机耕深较浅及未实现土垡翻扣等问题,根据铁锹深挖和翻土原理,设计了一种旋转锹式油茶垦复装置.对锹式垦复部件原理进行了分析,在 EDEM 中建立了锹与土壤相互作用离散元模型,仿真分析了锹与土壤相互作用后的应力应变规律.基于不漏耕、不重耕的条件分析锹片端点运动轨迹,确定了锹片转速以及与其相匹配的前进速度.为验证垦复装置的垦复效果,以耕深和耕深稳定性系数为指标,以锹片转速为因素,在油茶林地进行了垦复试验.结果表明:在锹片入土倾角为 70°、锹片转速为 20~40r/min 及其与匹配的前进速度下,垦复装置耕作正常,耕深平均值为 159~166mm,耕深稳定性系数为 92.72%~94.82%.

At present,the tillage of the reclamation machines for Camellia forest were shallow and the soil-turnover was not realized.Therefore,a rotary spade reclamation device for Camellia forest was designed according to the principle of the deep-digging of shovel and soil-turnover.The principle of rotary spade reclaiming parts was analyzed,and the dis-crete element model of the interaction between soil and spade was established by means of EDEM software.The stress and strain regularity after the interaction between soil and spade was simulated and analyzed.The motion trajectory of the end point of the spade was analyzed without leakage tillage and secondary tillage,and the rotation speeds of the reclama-tion device with its matching forward speeds were determined.In order to verify the reclamation effect of the reclamation device,the reclamation experiment was carried out in Camellia forest with the plough depth as the index and the rotating speed of the rotating shovel as the factor.Experimental results showed that with the 70° soil inclination,the tillage opera-tion of the reclamation device was normal under the rotating speed of 20~40r/min with the corresponding forward speed of the reclamation device,the average value of the tillage depth was 159~166mm,and the stability coefficient of the tillage depth was 92.72%~94.82%.


江西农业大学 工学院, 南昌 330045



camellia forestreclamationrotary spadeEDEM

《农机化研究》 2024 (004)

29-35 / 7

