

Design of the Water Fertilizer Integrated Machine System Based on the Partial Differential Algorithm


为进一步提升我国水肥一体机的综合作业效能,实现灌溉施肥的最优化配比,以偏微分算法作为改进切入点,针对其作业控制系统展开设计研究.通过搭建正确的多阶偏微分数学模型,得到水肥一体机的整机设计布局,并进行模块化的软件程序编制与功能化的硬件配置选型.采用设计的整机系统在一定的作业条件下完成灌溉施肥一体式作业,结果表明:基于偏微分算法设计的水肥一体机,整机在水分与肥量之间的配比关系得到很好的优化,配比准确率可保证在 90.00%以上,施肥均匀度与水分利用率分别相对提高了 9.56%和 5.69%,灌施作业效果良好,设计正确可行,是今后灌溉施肥集成领域的重要革新思路之一,具有较强的推广应用价值.

In order to further improve the comprehensive operation efficiency of water and fertilizer all-in-one machine in China and realize the optimal ratio of irrigation and fertilization,a partial differential algorithm was proposed as an im-provement starting point,and its operation control system was designed and studied.By building a correct multi-order partial differential mathematical model,the overall design layout of the water and fertilizer integrated machine was ob-tained,and the modular software programming and functional hardware configuration selection were carried out.The new-ly designed whole machine system completed the verification of irrigation and fertilization integrated operation under cer-tain operating conditions.It showed that the proportion relationship between water and fertilizer of the whole machine de-signed based on partial differential algorithm was well optimized,the ratio accuracy of the system could be guaranteed to be more than 90.00%,and the uniformity of irrigation and fertilization and the water use efficiency had been increased by 9.56%and 5.69%respectively.The application effect of the whole machine irrigation and application dominated by partial differential control algorithm was good,the design was correct and feasible,which would be one of the important innovative ideas in the field of irrigation and fertilization integration in the future,and have strong popularization and ap-plication significance.


黄河交通学院, 河南 焦作 454950



the water fertilizer integrated machinethe comprehensive operation efficiencypartial differential algo-rithmthe ratio accuracythe uniformity of irrigation and fertilization

《农机化研究》 2024 (004)

63-67 / 5

