

The Evolution of the National Security Discourse in the National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America


[研究目的]梳理对比分析5 版美国《国家情报战略》中有关国家安全的论述,剖析情报战略制定的基本逻辑,探究其中演进规律,对我加强国家情报建设有现实意义.[研究方法]采用文献分析和对比分析法,从评估战略环境、界定国家利益、定位安全威胁和明确转型目标角度,剖析各版国家情报战略之间的异同点,展现美国情报界视角下国家安全的变化与演进.[研究结论]全球战略环境的关联性和复杂性与日俱增,极大压缩了决策周期和情报预警时间.应进一步细化国家情报工作方针与政策,着力构建国家情报工作机构间的信息共享平台,建立健全国家情报工作协调机制,加强国家情报力量建设,健全国家安全情报学科建设,以紧扣国家核心利益,充分识别来自各方面的威胁与挑战,有效维护国家安全利益.

[Research purpose]Summarize the discussion on national security in the 5 editions of the National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America,analyze the basic logic of intelligence strategy formulation,and explore the evolution law.These are of practical significance for us to strengthen the construction of national intelligence.[Research method]Using literature analysis and comparative a-nalysis to analyze the similarities and differences between national intelligence strategies from the perspective of evaluating the strategic en-vironment,defining national interests,positioning security threats and clarifying transformation goals,shows the change and evolution of national security from the perspective of the American intelligence community.[Research conclusion]The increasing relevance and com-plexity of the global strategic environment greatly compress the decision-making cycle and intelligence early warning time.We should fur-ther refine the national intelligence guidelines and policies,strive to build information sharing platform between national intelligence agen-cies,establish and improve the national intelligence coordination mechanism,strengthen the construction of national intelligence power,improve the development of national security intelligence disciplines,to stick to the national core interests,fully identify threats and chal-lenges from all aspects,so as to effectively safeguard national security and interests.


战略支援部队信息工程大学 洛阳 471003



U.S.national intelligence strategynational securitythe U.S.intelligence communitynational intelligence worksecurity threatsliterature analysis methed

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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